ACT 4494 Troy University US Individual Income Tax Return Form 1040 Paper


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I’ll provide a doucument and write a tax return for the information

ex. Chance D. Parkman, born April 3,1988, works at the local high school. On December 30, 2020, he married DestinyFreebird. Chance and Destiny, with Destiny’s four-year-old daughter Grace and Grace’sfour-year-old best friend Winnie (who is the cutest little thing you have EVERseen), live at 1428 Elm Street, Springfield, Ohio. Chance’s Social Securitynumber is 919-66-9999, Destiny’s is 923-77-9999, although Destiny never changedher name with the Social Security Administration. Grace’s Social Securitynumber is 923-88-9999. Winnie does not have a Social Security number. During 2020,Chance earned $40,000 in wages and had $3,500 withheld in federal income taxes;both items were reported to him on his W-2. He also earned $10 in interest fromFirst Bank of Springfield (IL) on his savings account. This amount was reportedto him on his December 2020 bank statement. He had full year health coveragefrom his employment in the Springfield City School System. Chance would like $3to go to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, although he has no idea whatthat is. …..

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