Action Plan to Avert CO2 Discussion


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Make an Action plan to avert CO2. Commit to one way you will ask your community to avert CO2 emissions. Your community can be friends, family, dorms, work, social media followers, or school. Your CO2 aversion must come from your own effort and pledges from people in your community. Please use your creativity. Please plan to take pictures as proof: before and after pictures, food, thermostats, etc., since you will have to submit these. Providing proof will be SL3 B, due next week.

Please choose something that I can take pictures of it before and after

After you identify an action plan (1) You will also have to answer questions 2-4 listed below.  The reasons for questions 2-4 are as follows: I want you to link your action plan to with specific threats and consequences, so you know that your specific action plan will help your community both local and global. Your action plan will help with threats and consequences.

1. Identify a method to reduce CO2 emissions that can be accomplished over the course of 3 weeks. State your action plan in as much detail as you are able. The implementation period spans Sunday, May 29 to Sunday, June 19th. See references below for ideas.

2. The a scientific paper “Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Organisms and Ecosystems” list threats and consequences of increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in Table 2 (the PDF). You can also watch this  to get an overview of these consequences. For this question, review the paper and video and discuss:

Two major ways (threats) the increase in CO2 is adversely affecting the ocean globally.

One way increased CO2 is adversely affecting Florida (regionally). Think of which ecosystems listed in Table 2 of Brierley and Kinsford, 2009 are seen in Florida. Discuss how Florida might be directly affected by increased atmospheric CO2.

One way increased CO2 is adversely affecting local communities. From the ecosystems listed in Table 2 (Brierley and Kinsford, 2009) or other resources, which ecosystems are seen in Pinellas County, Hillsborough County, or your county? Describe how your local community might be directly affected by increased atmospheric CO2 emissions. Please make sure you inform your community on the threats and consequence you choose as you approach them with your action plan to avert CO2.

Be sure to cite references (see examples below). You will have to have at least two resources, but I encourage you to use additional resources not listed below.

Note: You might be able to accommodate the same threat and consequence to both regional and local communities. If you do, please explain both thoroughly. Please think of were Florida (regional) and Pinellas/Hillsborough/ County etc. (local) are located. Florida is surrounded by water and some local counties have coasts.

3. Do you think these affect you and/or future generations? Discuss why you think it will or will not affect you and/or future generations.

4. How will you provide proof of your action plan? Pictures, pledges, videos, screenshots of social media, etc. You must implement your plan within a week and provide proof in the next Service Learning assignment (SL3 B: Implement Your Action Plan and Provide Proof).

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