Alliance City Schools Career Center The Brethren Book Questions Paper


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Your answers should demonstrate an understanding of the reading material. Your answers should besuccinct and address all parts of the question. You will lose points for overly short and overly longanswers — the goal is to concisely, yet thoroughly answer the question, not write a treatise on it. Athorough answer includes examples from the text to support your answer.

Your answers should NOT include long direct quotations from the Woodward and Armstrongbook. If you paraphrase something from the book or cite a fact from it, then provide a citation inparentheses. If you are referencing material from The Brethren you can simply include the pagenumber in parentheses. Do not worry about citing lecture. ONLY use the coursematerial and the Woodward and Armstrong book to answer the questions. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OTHER SOURCES

Please type your responses with the following specifications. Failure to follow any of these will resultin a two-point deduction for each error.

  • Times New Roman 12 point font
  • 1″ margins on all sides
  • Double spaced
  • Each question begins on its own page
  • Identify the question by writing “QUESTION [X]” at the top of each page.


(1) Vacancies on the Supreme court can occur for many reasons. Describe a vacancy in TheBrethren that occurs for internal or personal reasons. [One paragraph]. Describe a vacancythat occurs due to political reasons. [One paragraph]. What were some reasons for whycertain people were not able to fill these vacancies? [One paragraph]. Why is a vacancyimportant to all branches of the national government and how does it relate to this course?[Two paragraphs].

(2) The Brethren begins with the end of Chief Justice Warren’s time at the Supreme Court and thehunt for a new Chief Justice. Ultimately, Warren Burger was selected for the position. Whatqualities did Nixon like about Warren Burger which led Nixon to choose Burger as the nextChief Justice? [One paragraph with examples]. Based on your reading of the book, whatwere some personal qualities of Chief Justice Burger that made him a good leader and whatwere some personal qualities that led him into contention with other justices? [Twoparagraphs using examples from book to justify your claim]. What should Chief JusticeBurger do in order to overcome the contentions he develops with other Justices? [Oneparagraph].

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