American Military University Databases Case Study


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Assignment 1 Classes


The purpose of this assignment is to review the IT Online Training Project Requirements and begin the modeling of the requirements by using the noun analysis technique to identify domain classes, attributes, operations, and requirements.


In this assignment, we will begin the analysis for a case study, the IT Online Training Project, which will be used for your assignments throughout the course. You will need to review the IT Online Training Project Requirements 2018R2 document and become familiar with it.

For the analysis portion of the project, you will use the Analysis Specification Template 2018R4 and fill in sections as the course progresses each week. The Analysis Specification Template is a Word file that has predefined sections and you will need to fill them in each week until the specification is completed. It has instructions also in the document as to how to use it. It is common practice in systems development to use templates for various types of documents to standardize the documentation and development practices throughout an organization.

For this assignment, you will complete Section 1 Introduction of the Analysis Specification Template 2018 which will come directly from the IT Online Training Project Requirements. You will also complete Section 4.3 List of Classes with Definitions, Attributes, and Requirement Number by creating a list of classes with definitions, attributes, operations, and requirement number by analyzing the IT Online Training Project Requirements document. Finally you will complete Section 4.3.1 which includes a discussion of your classes and why you chose them.

In the Analysis Specification, complete the following Sections:

Sections: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and Sections 4.3, 4.3.1.


1. Review the Quick Resources at the end of this Assignment.

2. Review the IT Online Training Project Requirements 2018R2 and the Analysis Specification Template 2018R4 .

3. Open the Analysis Specification Template and save it as Assignment1FirstNameLastname substituting your name.

4. Complete Sections 1 Introduction, 1.1 Problem Definition, 1.2 Sponsor Project Descriptions, 1.3.Sponsor Requirements in your Analysis Specification.

Using the Online Training Project Requirements document, complete all of Section 1 in the Analysis Specification Template. Use your own words for Sections 1, 1.1, and 1.2. You can copy and paste the Sponsor requirements from the case study to the Analysis Specification for Section 1.3. See the template for details. Make certain that you retain the requirement numbers as you will use these for traceability.

5. Review the noun analysis technique which is used to identify potential classes for an application. See the links on Finding Classes at the end of this assignment. The RMB1905 videos use a version of our CASE tool. The Blaha videos use another CASE tool. Your focus should be on the technique for analyzing text to discover classes and not the CASE tool at this point. See the ITOT Noun Analysis Example 2018 example before you begin your analysis. It provides an example of noun analysis for your case study.

6. Complete the Classes, Attributes, Operations(Methods), and Requirements table in Section 4.3 of your Analysis Specification.

For an example of completing the table, you can view the document Customer-ScheduledCourse-User Analysis Example.pdf. It illustrates the result of the analysis of the Customer, ScheduledCourse, and User classes in the requirements document. For each class the attributes, operations (methods), and requirement number were documented.

Using the Online Training Project Requirements document identify and create a list of all potential classes, definitions for each class, attributes, operations (methods), and requirement number. Place your list in the Classes, Attributes, Operations(Methods), Requirements table below. Note that it is already included for you in the specification. The classes, attributes, and operations are in the Requirements document. If you do the analysis you will find them.

For example, if you look at REQF2.1 you will find the mention of a Class called Customer with attributes customerId, firstName and lastName, address, work phone number, and cellphone number. For operations, your system must be able to create and delete Customers as well as get and set each of the attribute values. Example: getCustomerID(), setCustomerID(), getCustomerFirstName(), setCustomerFirstName(), etc. This is also documented in the Customer-ScheduleCourse-User.pdf document below. Other attributes may be determined later!

The following list provides a starting list of classes which have already been referenced in the course. You must identify the remaining classes from the Requirements document:

Starting List of Classes

As a result of reading/using the course resources listed below, at least 9 different classes are already identified for you and you should include them as well as the remaining classes you will discover with noun analysis of the Requirements document.

Course Resource

Location in Course

Potential ITOT Classes Identified

ITOT Noun Analysis Example 2018

Assignment 1

Week 1

ScheduledCourse, SelfPacedCourse, Course, Product, Video, and Book

Assignment 1

Assignment 1

UserAccount with attributes and operations

Sample UML Class Diagrams for ITOT Classes

Week 1

Instructor, Course, and ExpertiseArea classes with detailed attributes and operations.

Assignment 1 Step 6

Assignment 1 Step 6

Customer with attributes and operations.

The following sections provides additional instructions for completing the Classes, Attributes, Operations, Requirements table. Note that operations are also referred to as methods. Use the Requirements document.

6.1 Identify and name each class and provide a definition.

Name each class using the naming guidelines below. Define each class using the phrase “A classname is a ….” and replace classname with the name add the name of the class and complete the definition. Note that classes are named as nouns or noun phrases and begin with a capital letter. Make certain that you create the definitions according to the template! You must use the phrase “is a” in your definition.

6.2 For each class, list its attributes and type of data (String (text), integer, etc.). You will find many of the attributes in the Requirements document.

6.3 For each class, identify its operations. Use the guidelines below. You will find many of the operations in the Requirements document.

6.4 For each class, identify the requirement number from the Requirements document.

6.5 Use the following naming and guidelines for class names, attributes, and operations.

6.5.1 Class names must be singular (not plural) and must be one word. You can capitalize the first letter of each word in the name like ScheduledCourse. See Week 1 Content for additional information about naming classes and their properties.

6.5.2 Attributes are properties of a class like for Customer one attribute would be “customerID”. Attributes begin with a lowercase letter.

6.5.3 Operations are actions that a class can perform and begin with a lower case letter followed by parentheses (). If an operation needs a parameter like workPhone, we put the name of the parameter (attribute) inside the parentheses. We can create a new instance of a class (Create), delete an instance of a class (remove), get ( read) values of the attribute, or set (change) values of the attribute. See the examples in the table below. The examples in the sample document include all of the getter/setter methods for the attributes. You do not need to include them in this assignment, but for Assignment 2 when you create your class diagram, you can use the features of our CASE to so that the getter/setter methods will automatically be added. For now you can use a high level modify() and read() to represent the getter/setter methods. Later in design changes will be made depending on the technology used.

7. Complete Section 4.3.1 in your Analysis Specification.

Discuss your list of classes (Section 4.3) and why you chose them. You may want to reference the case study document.

Submission Instructions

1. Make certain that your name and course number are at the top of your document.

2. Submit this first version of your Analysis Specification as a Word file and name it as indicated above Assignment1VictoryUbogu. Make certain that all sections are included exactly like the template.

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