Approaches to Racism and Racial Spectrums Discussion


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Since the start of week one in this course, it has really broadened my mind and thinking and really made me self-reflect. The first insight this course has made me to self-reflect and look at is in the reading of  Omni & Winant, Racial Formation, “One of the first things we notice about people when we meet them (along with their sex) is their race. We utilize race to provide clues about who a person is.” To be honest and seeing it this way I can see how this is a big factor in internalizing and making a connection piece. Looking hard and self-reflecting I always try and bring a connection piece back to sports and then make more connections I do this as I am more comfortable in this topic piece, I also feel I dive to this first versus the race, but subconsciously I feel it plays a part still.

The next insight that resonates with me is also from Omni & Winant, “that we use race to provide clues about who a person is.” This stems from the first one that resonates with me for the fact I circle back to my question below of finding connection pieces. I also subconsciously dive into what could be a connection piece based not just on the race, but attire, to make connections again with a topic I feel comfortable with. 

The last insight that resonates with me is from Howard & Gray, How race and culture matter in schools, “The concept that we need to understand we do not live in a society where everyone is treated equally.” This brings me to my response for week 1 on deficit thinking and changing my expectations for the background of my students. Now do I feel this is a negative no, but in order to get out of deficit-based thinking I need to have the same expectations, but in turn, let the students feel heard on their differentiation, and help them understand the expectations are there and once they achieve them how rewarding it is. 

This list also makes me think back to the video of students on the line and the instructor reads out a scenario such as EX: if you grew up in two-parent household take a step forward.” and at the end of the questions, you see where everyone is standing the see how different everyone is. This ties into the this as there is so much behind the scenes with students that as a teacher if we can create the positive, caring, and motivating environement no matter where the student is on that line they can acheive the expectations and much more. 

2) Why is it we notice race along with sex when we first meet someone? Is it so we don’t say something to offend? do we instantly pile up all information in our head to either A: avoid as it may be offensive, may not be a connecting piece, etc. or B: topics that may peak the interest of the individual? This is a deeper understanding and question tied from, “Omni and Winant, Racial Formation.”


1 Howard, T. C., & Gay, G. (2020). Why race and culture matter in schools: Closing the achievement gap in America’s        classrooms. Teachers College Press.

2) Omi, Michael, and Howard Winant. Racial Formation in the United States:

From the 1960s to the 1990s. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 1994.



  1. The first biggest insight I have from our readings was found in chapter 5 of our text. At the beginning of the chapter Howard talked about the different approaches to racism and I was honestly blown away by this. I never realized that there was so many different approaches to looking at racism and what they all can mean. As I was reading them I felt like I knew different people who could easily fit into each approach. Another insight I have was from the article by Omni. In the article he talks about how we perceive people as looking a particular way based on their race. In a weird twist to this shortly before reading the article I watched a Tiktok where people had to guess who they were talking to based on just their voice. Each guesser was talking to the same person and almost every single one of them, no matter their race, talked about how the man “sounded white”. This just goes to show how deeply this really runs. The last insight I had comes once again from our text in the form of a deeper understanding of critical race theory. To be honest I did not know a lot about it, but found this very helpful. I know that it is a very controversial topic, but any time I have heard about it I do not feel there has been a great explanation of what it is. In the text I think he did a great job of explaining every aspect of the theory.
  2. My question goes with critical c. I would love to get more insight from people in education and those who work with the public as to teaching critical race theory. I would love this to be a conversation that could be fact based and not political or opinionated, as much as possible. I know that is not a question per say, but I think it would be amazing to see it happen. 

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