ASU Articulating What You Have Learned About Qualitative Data Analysis Research


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Having covered all the key aspects involved in qualitative data analysis, in these final two weeks of the course you will have an opportunity to try out what you have learned to actually demonstrate how qualitative analysis occurs and is practically applied to your research findings.

The assignments this week and next week are also an opportunity for you to think more deeply about what you have learned in this course, by examining some of your initial assumptions and by exploring and applying new ideas and techniques.

Make sure to use this time wisely so that all that you have learned so far can be tested and applied. This is also the time to think more deeply and ask all necessary questions of your professor so that when you reach the analysis chapter of your dissertation you are more confident because you have a clearer idea of the expectations and requirements.

Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.

The five articles that are provided set the stage for this week’s assignment by offering the necessary background and context for the mock analysis you are required to conduct for this week’s assignment.  The topic for this mock study centers on the usefulness of group contingency plans in early childhood classrooms.

Class-wide behavior management systems, also known as group contingency plans have been shown to reduce negative student behavior, as well as increase on-task behaviors (Little, Akin-Little, & O’Neill, 2015; Pokorski, Barton, & Ledford, 2017). Group contingency plans, in which all students receive a reinforcer contingent on the behavior of one or more students in the classroom, have been shown to be effective in reducing disruptive behavior of early elementary students, as well as preventing other students from developing similar behaviors. Understanding the type of group contingency plan early childhood teachers perceive to be effective is important in shaping future behavioral interventions (Hirsch, MacSuga-Gage, Park, & Dillon, 2016; Moore et al., 2017; Weis, Osborne, & Dean, 2015).

The three types of group contingency plans include independent, interdependent, and dependent (Pokorski et. al., 2017). When employing independent group contingencies, all students in the class are held to the same behavioral expectations, although each student’s performance toward the behavioral criterion is measured individually, and only those students who meet the criterion will receive the reinforcement. Interdependent group contingencies are similar to independent group contingencies in that all students work toward the same criteria, although access to the reinforcer is contingent on all students meeting the behavioral criteria. Finally, with dependent group contingencies, the whole class receives a reinforcer contingent on the behavior of one student or a small group of students.

Hirsch, S. E., MacSuga-Gage, A., Park, F. K., & Dillon, S. (2016). A road map to systemically setting up a group contingency. Beyond Behavior…Link You have viewed this topic

Moore, T. C., Wehby, J. H., Oliver, R. M., Chow, J. C., Gordon, J. R., & Mahany, L. A. (2017). Teachers’ reported knowledge and implementation…Link You have viewed this topic

Pokorski, E. A., Barton, E. E., & Ledford, J. R. (2017). A review of the use of group contingencies in preschool settings. Topics in Early…Link You have viewed this topic

Weis, R., Osborne, K. J., & Dean, E. L. (2015). Effectiveness of a universal, interdependent group contingency program on children’s academic…Link

This week, you are required to read at least three journal articles from the five that are provided and also review the provided toolbox of materials.In this seventh week of the course, you will be required to apply everything you have learned in this course in a practical manner. In the final week of this course, you will have a chance to reflect on your learning. For this week’s Signature Assignment, you have been assigned the specific task of applying the techniques introduced in this course to analyze a case study and produce trustworthy research findings. Toward this end, you have been provided with a toolbox that includes all the necessary information to complete this multifaceted assignment.The toolbox contains the following materials:

Abridged sample Chapter One

Two data collection instruments used in the study (interview guide and critical incident questionnaire)

Four actual interview and critical incident transcripts

PREPARATIONYou can begin preparing for this assignment by completing the following guided steps:

Begin by reading at least three of the five journal articles which will provide you with background and context for the topic, as well as relevant theoretical details. Of course, you may choose to read all five articles.

Next, proceed to familiarize yourself with the sample study’s Chapter One by reviewing all the key elements related to the study, including problem, purpose, research questions, introduction to the theoretical framework, the significance of the study, and definitions of key terminology.

Finally, review the two data collection instruments (interview schedule and critical incident questions), and carefully read through each of the four transcripts. These resources are provided in this week’s Books and Resources.

  • WRITINGOnce you feel that you are prepared and are sufficiently familiar with all the material you have been provided, you can begin writing a paper that incorporates the following four parts:Part 1:Discuss the role of theoretical frameworks in qualitative research including:

Explain the purpose of using a theoretical framework to assist with data analysis. (Draw on previous assignments that you have completed in this course. Incorporate relevant literature, and refer to at least three scholarly resources).

Justify whether this study’s theoretical framework is or is not a good fit with this study. (Be sure to refer to the literature on theoretical frameworks to support your reasoning).

Part 2:Develop your own coding scheme based on the literature (journal articles) and the actual data provided in the interviews.

Discuss the coding process in qualitative data analysis (Draw on previous assignments that you have completed in this course. Incorporate relevant literature, and refer to at least three scholarly resources.)

Present your coding scheme. You may choose any format to do this (e.g., table, chart, or figure).

Explain your coding logic step by step, noting any changes or revisions that were made in the process of developing your coding scheme.

Part 3:Manually code each of the transcripts that were provided. Do this by marking up the transcripts with highlighting, colors, letters, symbols etc. Provide these as Appendices A, B, C, and D to accompany your assignment.Part 4:Provide findings (themes with supporting quotations) for at least two of the study’s research questions.

Address the sample study’s research problem and research questions using your data analysis as you have learned in this course.


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