BA 200 University of Illinois at Chicago Preventing Workplace Violence MEMO


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1. This is an individual assignment. Using the following information, produce a properly formattedand written memorandum. Add/delete information as necessary.

2. As you write this memorandum, consider the videos associated with Module 4 – Email andMemorandum and in-class discussions.

3. MS Word document … Single Spaced … 12pt. Font … Your name and Class Time in TOP rightcorner of page header

.4. Late submissions or lack of upload or hardcopy submission will receive an automatic 10% pointdeduction.


Your boss, Stella Harris (Administrative Manager), scheduled you (AdministrativeSupervisor) to attended a Workplace Issues Conference on 2/16/21. Her instructions uponreturning to the office are to provide her with a summary memorandum on the conferencecontent and your recommendations for the company implementation of this content

Information to be consider …

The conference topic was preventing workplace violence of which you found fascinating.Your company has avoided serious incidents but better to be safe than sorry. You were theonly company representative and asked to write the report memorandum. Susan Sloan wasthe conference presenter making suggestions in three categories.

Ms. Sloan cautioned organizations to prescreen job applicants. As a matter of fact, wisecompanies do not offer employment until after a candidate’s background has been checked.Just the mention of a background check is enough to make some candidates withdraw. Thesecandidates, of course, are the ones with something to hide

She also suggested that companies should prepare a good employee handbook that outlineswhat employees should do when they suspect potential workplace violence. This handbookshould include a way for informers to be anonymous

By the way, the next Workplace Issues conference is in March, and the topic is employee email monitoring.

Additionally, she recommended something to do with recognizing red-flag behavior. Thisinvolves having companies train manages to recognize signs of potential workplace violence.What are some of the red flags? One sign is an increasing number of arguments (most of thempetty) with coworkers. Another sign is bullying or harassing behavior. Bringing a firearm towork or displaying an extreme fascination with firearms is another sign.

You think that the best recommendation is prescreening job candidates. Why? Because it isthe most feasible. You think that Stella may want you to do more research on prescreeningtechniques, but you not certain and need to know. Also, there is a management meeting onFebruary 25 during which a report may be presented. Again, you are not sure if she wantsyou to do it but you’ll need to know by 2/24/21 to prepare it.

Some thoughts …

1. The document is directed to who?

2. How much of the information is “need to know” vs “nice to know”?

3. How will you format the memorandum? Body section? Dates? Times? Other?

4. How will graphic highlighting improve the visual and readability of this memorandum?

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