Brookdale Community College The Making of Modern America Discussion
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You knew we HAD to get to this. Regardless of you feel, or completely understand, it is a gigantic issue for your time and you HAVE to come to grips with it. It’s you OBLIGATION AS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, as much as voting or anything else anyone who claims to BE a citizen must rise up to.
First, read what the Constitution says exactly about impeachment. Then, check out what the Federalist papers says about it. These are basically the ideas behind the EXACT DISCUSSIONS THAT OUR FOUNDING FATHERS HAD ABOUT IMPEACHMENT. Bill Clinton’s lawyer read right from them on the floor of the Senate during his trial there.
Second, review what your textbook says about the Clinton impeachment AND reach what the articles against him – the ones that came from the House of Representatives – said EXACTLY.
Third, are plenty of sources about the FIRST Impeachment of Trump. Now with the SECOND one (first time EVER in American History) please read EXACTLY what the articles against him are that came from the House of Representatives this week say. There are plenty of news sources and articles around to review information about this SECOND impeachment.
Fourth, try hard to put away any built in or acquired polarization / partisanship that you might have (it’s really hard, I know) and carefully, thoughtfully, historically, analyze what is going on.
How can you compare the three impeachments? After reviewing all the above items, DID Clinton deserve to be impeached under the Constitution? After reviewing all the the above items, DID Trump deserve to be impeached under the Constitution each time? Finally, what do you think is the future for the working of our cherished American democracy?
The Making of Modern America: The Nation from 1945 to the Present, THIRD EDITION by Gary Donaldson, Rowan and Littlefield 2017.This is the textbook.