Case Study Analysis: Public Health Mandates


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In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates and licenses all vaccines. In large part, these vaccines protect the general public from communicable and infectious diseases, which in the past have caused pandemics. All 50 U.S. states have adhered to the FDA’s regulations by requiring that children become vaccinated prior to attending public school. Typically, these vaccinations go unquestioned by parents as each safeguards their children from potentially fatal diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, and polio.

Over the past decade, however, the vaccination to prevent the human papillomavirus (HPV) has come under much debate. The HPV virus is now the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States, impacting more than 79 million people (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). It can cause cervical cancer in females, as well as throat cancer and genital warts in both females and males. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends vaccinating girls and boys between the ages of 11 and 12, before sexual activity generally occurs. With such alarming epidemiological evidence, at least 42 states and territories have introduced legislation to require the vaccine, fund the vaccine, or educate the public about the vaccine. Several states, such as Hawaii, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Puerto Rico require HPV vaccinations for school entry.  

However, because this regulates a personal and somewhat taboo topic (sexual activity), many parents, politicians, legislators, and religious groups have spoken out against such a mandate.

Do you support or oppose mandatory HPV vaccinations? In lieu of a vaccine, what other courses of action could be taken?

To prepare for this Assignment, you further investigate the public health issue of mandatory vaccinations by reviewing the HPV vaccination case study presented in the Learning Resources. You will then select and research a current public health topic, where a mandate is a controversial intervention. For this Assignment, you will conduct a Case Study Analysis on the chosen topic.

To prepare for this Assignment, you further investigate the public health issue of mandatory vaccinations by reviewing the HPV vaccination case study presented in the Learning Resources. You will then select and research a current public health topic, where a mandate is a controversial intervention. For this Assignment, you will conduct a Case Study Analysis on the chosen topic.

To Prepare

Review the module Learning Resources.

Reflect on your opinion regarding governmental involvement in public health policy.

Review the HPV case study presented in the Learning Resources as an example of a controversial public health mandate.

  • Select a current public health topic where a mandate is a controversial intervention.
  • Note: The public health topic you select should DIFFER from the one chosen for your Scholar Practitioner Project (SPP) in Module 1. Also, you may not select a topic that is included in the Learning Resources.
  • Conduct research to locate at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (no more than 5 years old) from the Walden Library to support your Case Study Analysis.
  • Download the assessment template provided in the Learning Resources to complete your Case Study Analysis.

The Assignment

  • Use the Module 2 Assignment: Case Study Analysis: Public Health Mandates template provided in the Learning Resources.

1- to 2-page paper

  • (excluding title page, table of contents, and references)

Title Page (title of the paper in full, name, date, etc.)

  • Table of Contents


Describe the public health topic you selected and the mandate associated with the topic.


Provide background information on your selected topic.

Summarize current governmental policies associated with the public health issue.

From the perspective of the law discipline, explain the following:

The legal basis for the authority of the government to mandate the public health intervention connected with your selected topic.

The arguments for and against the government mandate connected with your selected topic.

  • Current Interventions

Describe intervention(s) currently in place to address this public health issue.

  • Proposed Intervention

Explain an alternative intervention to address this public health issue.

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