Central Pennsylvania College Business Law Discussion
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Don’t make this assignment more difficult than it actually is. Under “File” , entitled “One Thing …”, there are two articles. For each article, summarize the article with one paragraph. The paragraphs should be 250 words, or less.
Also, please provide a a third paragraph. The third paraph should summarize how the articles will shape your “decision making” as a manager, a business owner, or an individual with dealing with a personal legal issue. The paragraph should answer, “what are you looking for in attorney”. It should answer how you will “manage” that relationship to avoid unnecessary loss of time and cost.
There is no “one” right answer for the third paragraph. However, it should make sense for what you are dealing with and looking for in an attorney. It should show that you understand what the two articles are about.
You are the “manager”. Remain professional, but poignant. You, your company, or your business are paying the cost for attorney fees.