Cjus 530 case study


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Professor Blake Lafona

CJus 530  

Liberty University

After reading the assigned articles/case studies for Module: Week, you will write critiques of
the 2 case studies provided in Module 3: Week 3 (Read: Statements Compelled from Law
Enforcement Employees) and Module 5: Week 5 (Read: Peace Officers Bill of Rights
Guarantees Responding to Union Demands with a Management Sanctioned Version).
Each case study critique must be between 3–5 pages (not including the title, abstract, and
reference pages) in the current APA format and must discuss the major facts of the case. You must
tell whether or not you believe the right decisions were made and why. Follow the guidelines
listed below:
Identify the important facts in the case study.
What decisions were or were not made in the case study?
Do you believe the decisions or best practices were appropriate?
Discuss any alternative solutions to the problem and support those solutions with
additional research (in other words, support your solution with similar cases).
Make sure each section is labeled appropriately (Facts, Decision, Alternative Solution,
Citation style: current APA
All papers must use the following format:
o Times New Roman
o 12-point font
o Double spaced
o 1” margins from left to right and top to bottom
Do not forget to review the grading rubric.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Case Study Officer Linda Willard


The case study about lady police has been discussed. It has been seen that the case study has tried to divert attention towards an important topic, i.e., the lack of training and accidents in policing due to motorcycle duty. Being aggressive is not only a feature required by the police. Both males and females need to be responsible, and there should be no fewer complaints. An example or the case study has been presented where a lady police officer Linda Willard was crazy enough and responsible in her duties beyond the expectations to get the status of motorcycle police. The characteristics of leadership and promotion in the police department have also been elaborated in detail. It has been seen in the case study that the decision-making procedures are given importance because the leaders have to make the decisions for the employees. The importance of training and the plan for the reduction of accidents has been explained. The different solutions have been presented in the following discussion.

Key Words: Leadership, Police Officers, Training

Essential facts of the study

The police force is appointed to provide safety to the public and maintain peace in society. According to the justice department of Bureau of Justice Statistics Report, there were 750,340 full-time sworn law officers and 17,398 police departments located in the United States of America. It has been seen in the case study that the characteristics of police officers have been explained in detail that they need to be vigilant and responsible towards their duties. 

Being aggressive is not only a feature required by the police. Both males and females need to be responsible, and there should be no fewer complaints. An example or the case study has been presented where a lady police officer Linda Willard was crazy enough and responsible in her duties beyond the expectations to get the status of motorcycle police. The characteristics of leadership and promotion in the police department have also been elaborated in detail. It has been seen in the case study that the decision-making procedures are given importance because the leaders have to make the decisions for the employees.

Moreover, there is an important fact presented in the case study, and it is about the training of police employees. Traffic police have to pay their duties with extra responsibility, and it is not easy to drive the motorcycle throughout the duty. Rigorous training and guidance are required to be a successful officer, and officers’ training was absent. Linda was promoted to the traffic police department, but there have been four public complaints and several accidents from which she survived, fortunately. Captain Miles has to decide the traffic police, especially the aggressive young lady, but could not give her best. 

Decisions made in the case study 

The clear decisions made by Captain Mike were not demonstrated in the case study. However, there were different sections given where the employees were intended to improve. The decisions were made that the police officers will be given training and the leadership quality produced. Aggression is not the ultimate, but the police should understand that they are the leader for the public (Phillips, 2018). 

They need to behave nicely with them, and they should have a sense of maturity. The decision was made the organization’s learning and behavior need to be introduced in the police department. Without the learning behavior, the police department will not learn how to improve, and it will keep showing that they are right and accidents are not their mistakes. The points where the improvements are shown have revealed that the administrative procedures require improvement. It means that the police department should have strong leadership and management. Otherwise, the situation can be more deteriorated, and people will not be satisfied with the performance of the police department (Peck, 2018).

The clear decision about reducing accidents is not included in the case study because it has been seen that Captain Mike was addressed to make the decision for Linda and devise the program to reduce the accidents. Still, there was no program included in the study. Linda was not addressed directly by the end of the case. It was an essential point that the case study should have addressed and should have mentioned in detail. It has been seen that the general guidelines to improve the system were included in the case study (Todak, 2018).

Decisions or best practices appropriate?

I think that the case study has made a preliminary decision in the end, and no doubt, all the points are for the betterment of employees and the organization. However, it is better to discuss the case in the context of the lady officer understudy and bring the approaches that could reduce the organizational mismanagement in the police department. It has been further seen that the training element is not focused as it should be. Overall, the decisions are appropriate, but they should be explained in detail. The last decision was left to the readers, and I don’t find it attractive (Ba, 2018). 

Alternative solutions to the problem

The alternative solution to the problem includes a proper planning program that how the accidents could be reduced. There should be proper training for the police officers on how they should ride the bike and the necessary elements. It has been seen that leadership is focused on repeatedly, but the theories and models of leadership have not been explained. All these points should be considered, and police officers should be guided to reduce aggression and learn to ride bikes. Efforts should be made to reduce accidents, and proper plans should be devised (Phillips, 2018).  


           The police department is appointed to help the public. It has been seen in the case study that the characteristics of police officers have been explained in detail that they need to be vigilant and responsible towards their duties. Being aggressive is not only a feature required by the police. Both males and females need to be responsible, and there should be no fewer complaints. An example or the case study has been presented where a lady police officer Linda Willard was crazy enough and responsible in her duties beyond the expectations to get the status of motorcycle police. Still, she and other officers could not give better results, so a plan was devised to help them in the situation.  

Case Study Lieutenants Smits and Miles


Smits and Miles both were promoted as a manager and were given the petrol division. It was found that they were appointed as a manager for the first time, and their performance was to be observed. After six months, Capt. William Proctor has to review the performance of both the officers, and it was seen that Smiths had completed his six months performance with competency and integrity. He has proved himself to be an amazing leader, so the authorities were quite satisfied with him.

On the other hand, Miles showed a disappointing performance though he was good in his service earlier. The case study has shown their excellence in their services of Smith and presented her as a good example of a leader because she was a sergeant earlier and she needed to do the work by herself. She was appointed as a manager, and now the challenge was to meet the goals through the others. It is the quality of a leader that he does the work by himself, but he also knows how the team can be engaged in the different tasks.

Pertinent Facts 

The police department has versatile duties, and it is imposed on the police officers that they need to face the different challenges with flexible nature. The case study presented the picture of two officers who were opposed to each other. One aligned with the responsibilities and duties of police officers as a leader, but the other did not. 

It has been seen in the case study that there is a difference between a leader and a boss. Like the other departments, police officers should also behave like a leader instead of enforcing the instructions on others. 

Smits and Miles both were promoted as a manager and were given the petrol division. It was found that they were appointed as a manager for the first time, and their performance was to be observed. 

After six months, Capt. William Proctor has to review the performance of both the officers, and it was seen that Smiths had completed his six months performance with competency and integrity. He has proved himself to be an amazing leader, so the authorities were quite satisfied with him. On the other hand, Miles showed a disappointing performance though he was good in his service earlier. 

The case study has shown their excellence in their services of Smith and presented her as a good example of a leader because she was a sergeant earlier and she needed to do the work by herself. She was appointed as a manager, and now the challenge was to meet the goals through the others. It is the quality of a leader that he does the work by himself, but he also knows how the team can be engaged in the different tasks. She came up to the expectations, and the police department was quite pleased with her performance. 

On the other hand, Miles was not expected to show such a bad attitude as a leader. She showed bossy and enforced leadership in the organization that was not tolerable. It has been seen that she did not know how to behave with her teammates, and she was not a good leader, according to all her teammates. 

She was good at the employee place, but the leadership was not made for her. The police department was worried for her and wanted to decide whether she could be a leader in the future or not. 

Decisions made in the case study

After six months of completion of the reviews, it was decided that the organization should interfere with the training of employees. The employees need to understand the difference between leadership and being a boss. 

There is a clear boundary between them, and the employees need to understand that there is a need for leaders in the organization. Instead of a boss, they should show their leadership qualities. It has been shown that Smit was a good leader, so others should learn from her. 

So, the decision was made that Smits would be asked to continue her position as a leader. Miles will be demoted to the employee position because she is not suitable for a leader. She learned that she was excellent in the employee place, but she needed not stop her (Peck, 2018). 

She has to show leadership qualities, and she should be careful in the future. She should know that everything and every position has a different nature and the responsibility to behave accordingly. A training program needs to be introduced in the police department to learn leadership traits. 

Were decisions appropriate?

I believe that the decisions were made appropriately because it was seen that Miles could not get over the employee nature, and she did not know the traits of being a leader. If she has such behavior, there will be many other employees who do not know how to behave as a leader. 

The leadership, management, and bossy behavior all are different, and the employees need to understand them. However, the decisions were made best in the interest of the organization. Good decisions were made for the organization and employees (Todak, 2018). 

Alternative Solution?

It has already been said that the best decision was made for the organization and employees, so the alternative will not be as effective as the decisions mentioned above. If there had been the option of an alternative decision, I had asked Miles to continue her job. On the same side, the training session had to be introduced to teach her the guidelines and traits of being a good leader. It was not appropriate because the organization needs an experienced and humble leader instead of an aggressive and inexperienced person.


It was seen that leadership and bossy behavior both are different, and the employees should learn both. The bossy behavior must be learned to know what to avoid and how to differentiate from the leadership. However, both Smits and Miles were excellent employees of an organization. It was seen that the former came up to the organization’s expectations, and the other could not. The reason was the lack of training, and there is another factor that should be considered. It is the ability of people because every person cannot be a leader, and abilities differ a lot, so the decisions should be made accordingly. 


Ba, B., & Grogger, J. (2018). The introduction of tasers and police use of force: evidence from the Chicago Police Department (No. w24202). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Peck, J. H. (2018). The importance of evaluation and monitoring within the disproportionate minority contact (DMC) mandate: Future directions in juvenile justice research. Race and Justice, 8(4), 305-329.

Phillips, S. W. (2018). Eyes are not cameras: The importance of integrating perceptual distortions, misinformation, and false memories into the police body camera debate. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 12(1), 91-99.

 Todak, N., Gaub, J. E., & White, M. D. (2018). The importance of external stakeholders for police body-worn camera diffusion. Policing: An Internation ( Please make changes and correct this case study) 

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