College American Driving to the Funeral Discussion


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1. Hi , I couldn’t agree more when you said “She is someone that has taught before and she has a lot of experience in what she is describing.” Because of her experience is able to light a way for others to see what she has already seen. How did you feel after reading Driving to the Funeral? Did you learn anything knew?I feel the same way about writing a strong argument with a very good subject, it does seem exciting but also nerve racking for me.

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2. So many lives can be saved by raising the legal driving age. Anna Quindlen from Driving to the Funeral used statistics to show how 15-20 years olds are the No.1 cause of car crashes in the country. Quindlen is addressing a wavering audience about the amount of funerals parents go to because of the driving age. She gives her opinion by asking questions that put the audeince in situations to think about, Quindlen states in Driving to the Funeral “If someone told you that there was one single behavior that would be most likely to lead to the premature death of your kid, wouldn’t you try to do something about that?” She proceeds to give statistics that come from sound evidence based off her own research of different states and countries raising the driving age and improving the amount of deaths caused by lower driving ages. Quindlens thesis is if we raise the driving age we can save yet another family from attending a funeral of their sons or daughters. I believe it is effective because she provides statistics of other states and countries who have raised the driving age and how it improved the number of deaths due to this. Evidence, reasons, and facts can make a strong argument. When making an argument you want a thesis that includes your conclusions about the subject, this will usually appear at the end. You can persuade your audience by using elements such as: facts, reasons, and examples. After reading all the prompts above I believe I have an understanding of how to write a strong augment, I do feel as if I’m ready to write my own.

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3. Quindlen is speaking to a wavering audience. She begins by discussing how parents regard a 16-year-right old’s drive as unalienable, something that should not be questioned or limited. She goes on to say that car accidents are the biggest cause of death among 15- to 20-year-olds within The US. Statistics are presented in the third and fourth paragraphs (Quindlen, 2007). They successfully demonstrate that Vehicle accidents are the main source of death among young people aged 15 to 20 in the US. They are, however, insufficient proof because they do not demonstrate that raising the driving age will lower the number of accidents. In paragraphs one and four, Quindlen also utilizes personal stories and anecdotes. They support her argument and make it more accessible to the reader. The thesis is that “vehicle accidents are the major cause of death in this nation among 15- to 20-year-olds.” It is effective because it is straightforward and unarguable. A strong argument is made up of having an outlook, a specific viewpoint, and an extensive explanation of the perspective (“What is an Argument? The thesis of the paper states the position the person holds. It summarizes what is to be discussed in the document’s body and what the reader should expect at the end of the discussion. I can persuade my audience by not arguing about my opinions and belief or what I feel is good for me. Finally, I need to learn more about the types of arguments. I am ready for it because I know through extensive writing.

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4.The general public seems to demand too much freedom for children without thinking much of the consequences that may come with it. Anna Quindlen, in her argumentative essay “Driving to the Funeral,” argues that the legal driving age should be raised as studies have shown that auto accidents are most common among teenagers. Statistics from existing studies are enough to strengthen the argument that there is an urgent need to implement such change: one-third of 16-year-old drivers in Massachusetts alone had been involved in major accidents. Through her impactful essay, Quindlen urges the parents and policymakers to see the reality and outcomes of ignoring the facts, so they would be driven to implement regulations and policies that would reduce the teenage auto accidents that are rampant in various states. Quindlen is appealing to the emotions of her intended audience while also maintaining her credibility by presenting logical facts to back her arguments. The statements used by the author had the purpose of calling to action, and we can see this right from the introductory paragraph, which was disturbing. The title of the essay itself is disturbing. It is only rightful to disturb the comforted parents and policymakers and encourage them to have more sympathy on the increasing rate of parents who mourn for their children who encountered the accidents and cause their deaths. An argument is considered to be strong if it is backed by evidences and good reasoning. From Quindlen’s essay “Driving to the Funeral,” it was evident how she effectively integrated sources on her writing. She also used rhetorical strategies to appeal to her intended audience. The thesis statement of an argumentative essay sums up the main argument of the text. It should be debatable and evidence-based. The elements that could be used to persuade the audience could be through your credibility or knowledge of the topic, your use of relevant sources, presentation of logical facts, and through appealing to the emotions of your audience. Currently, I believe I have sufficient knowledge on writing argumentative essays. However, I still want to enhance my writing skills to produce a well-written argumentative essay where I clearly expressed my arguments backed with good reasoning and evidence. I look forward to writing argumentative essays!

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5. What makes a strong argument is a good base for what you are arguing and research into what you are arguing because if you do not have a solid base or good research you will not win the argument. A thesis should include your main point and information about your argument if you don’t have a main thesis, you don’t have a valid argument or if you don’t have one you are more likely to lose the argument. The Elements you can use to persuade your audience is to use something the audience can relate to if you do that the person will stay and read about what you have wrote but also when people relate to you more the more the person will want to talk or be around you people tend to surround themselves with people who are like them as well as be close to them. IN my own personal life, I have seen people come together whether it be in high school or in college now I have seen people come and go but you see how certain people who are like you stay and who seem to have the same attitude as you or the same motivation they will stay. When you are in an argument with someone you are close to you both will have your point whether it is personal or just about for example a video game you both will have at the end of the argument the same main idea you both have just different viewpoints with the same idea.

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6.In the reading “Driving to the Funeral” Anna Quindlen, argues that teens are more likely to get into a fatal accident. Her target audience seems to be people who are uneducated and blind to reckless teen driving. I can tell because she takes her side on families and parents who are affected by losing their children to car wrecks. Quindlen provides many statistics such as giving percentages and providing laws about young driving. She places all the statistics throughout the middle of her argument and backs them up. I find her evidence effectively because it shows us that these things actually happened. Quindlen uses other patterns such as relating to young people in their drinking activities and if their friends’ drunk drive or speed. The thesis of this argument is that reckless teen driving is very much real in that car crashes are the number one cause of death among young adults. What makes a strong argument is having a clear thesis on what is being argued and what side the writer is taking. Elements that can be used to persuade your audience can be used using relatable points, having statistics, and showing how the statistics back up your point. I need to know more about writing arguments because for me I feel like it turns into an explanation instead of actually arguing something across. I do feel ready to try and learn how to write a good argument.

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7. The audience Quindlens is addressing is parents. Quindlen addresses parents by informing them that driving at the age of 16 is unsafe and dangerous. When Quindlens provide the information on Europe, it appears that driving at a young age is taken very seriously. There governments relax about the drinking age but impose tougher driving regulations and licensing provisions; they generally require drivers to be 18 years of age to drive. The patterns she uses are consent accidents involving teenagers as a way to illustrate how deadly they could be As the thesis points out, the parents will suffer the most if their child isn’t here because of an accident and are the ones to pick up there child’s diploma. In order for your argument to be strong, it must be arguable, otherwise, it isn’t a strong argument. There are four different evaluation arguments, proposal arguments, narrative arguments, rebuttal arguments, and definition arguments. In order to make a strong evaluation, one must argue against something as good or bad. Arguments based on proposals require a solution to be proposed. Arguments based on narratives present a point related to your argument through telling a story. In a rebuttal argument, one needs to refute an idea that has been proposed before. Last by not least, a strong definition argument begins with a definition. A good thesis should communicate the main idea or point of the paper and should be clearly recognizable within the paper. It should also be narrow and specific. The three elements of logos, pathos, and ethos can be used to persuade your audience. As a final piece of advice when it comes to writing arguments, you should support your claims with shared reasons, not to win against people who disagree, but to encourage them to do so. Now that I have learned how to write an argument, I am ready to try it.

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8. Quindlen seems to be addressing teenagers, most those around the age of 18 and lower. She also talks about the parents of these teenagers as she states, “ Lots and lots of parents will tell you that raising the driving age is untenable, that the kids need their freedom and their mobility. Perhaps the only ones who wouldn’t make a fuss are those parents who have accepted diplomas at graduation because their children were no longer alive to do so themselves, whose children traded freedom and mobility for their lives. They might think it was worth the wait.” The statistics appear when Quindlen proves her point of teenagers driving young. She includes teenagers driving with friends and getting into a crash, killing all of them. She also includes how different country’s like Europe take young driving seriously and the age to drive is 18. Her thesis is to show that it’s worth the wait for these teenagers to start driving, otherwise they won’t be here to achieve the accomplishments like receiving their highschool diploma.The people around them , especially their parents will suffer knowing it could have been avoided by waiting a little longer for their children to get older. A strong argument has to include many things. In a strong argument it’s necessary to have a clear claim. Then , several reasons that support that claim are needed. An argument must take a stance.In an argument , you prove a point and back it up. Strong arguments consist of facts,reasons, evidence, and examples. Lastly, a counter argument should be used to explain the opposite side. A thesis statement is a part of a writing that lets the reader know what the writing is about. A thesis sentence should included the questions and the key topics of your argument, it should also include the writers opinion. Elements that can be used to persuade are logos, pathos, ethos.I am ready to try writing arguments .

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