COM 340 Walsh University Management Essay


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COM 340 – Feasibility Report


Feasibility reports are thorough investigations that examine the viability and practicality of a proposal. They are necessary to minimize organizational risk when proposing a  service, strategy, initiative, program, process, or change. They are also critical to identify roadblocks to implementation. All business professionals must understand how to use research to make decisions and communicate findings.

Your Task

Create a feasibility report that examines the feasibility of a service, strategy, initiative, policy, program, process, or change. A senior management or board of directors will be the recipient of the feasibility report.


The reports should adhere to this organization:  Headings are in bold.  USE HEADINGS to provide the greatest clarity/organization to your report.  Note the use of capitalization and lowercase in the headings

Cover page  (See sample in Resource titled, “Formal Reports”)

Table of Contents

Introduction (approx. 1-1.5 pages)


Problem/Need – background of problem/need, and why

Solutions and Alternatives – explain the solutions/alternatives you have selected (must have at least 3).

Establishing Criteria -establish at least 3 criteria selected for making comparisons. Tell how and why you selected criteria to use as yardstick in evaluating alternatives.  List the criteria in bulleted format.

  1. Definition of Criteria – your criteria should be very objectively defined so they are not subjective and open to opinion. List the criteria and definitions in bulleted format.
  2.   4.   Body (approx. 2-3 pages)
  3. DISCUSSION/EVALUATION – thoroughly discuss and evaluate the alternatives based on the criteria. Be sure to offer advantages and disadvantages of each.  Refer to the graphic in the Appendices.  The headings in this section would be:

Title of your First Solution/Alternative

  • Title of your First Criterion In this section explain how the Solution meets or doesn’t meet your definiton of the criterion.  Use facts and research.

Title of your Second Criterion In this section explain how the Solution meets or doesn’t meet your definition of the criterion.  Use facts and research.

  • Title of your Third Criterion in this section explain how the Solution meets or doesn’t meet your definition of the criterion.  Use facts and research.

You will repeat this sequence for each of your solutions.

  •    5.  Recommendations   (approx. 1-2 pages)

RECOMMENDATION -clearly and concisely indicate which specific product(s) or service(s) you recommend for your organization and why. Remember, base your recommendation on your established criteria.  

  • Advantages/Disadvantages – offer the advantages and disadvantages of your recommendation.

Plan for Implementation – How will your organization purchase product(s) or service(s)? When? Where? Who will be responsible for making purchase?

  • Summary or Conclusion – end your report with an appropriate and professional closing statement or paragraph.

Appendix – an original (you must create) data depiction : bar chart, line chart, pie chart.  Tables may be used but they do not count toward the graphic requirement ) (approx. 1 page)


Seven, from the Walsh College Library.  If needed, you may also use additional sources (in addition to the seven Walsh sources.)

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