Cypress College John Green Essay


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For Extra Credit, answer all the questions for the John Green video from the previous page. Remember, this is extra credit, so it is an optional assignment.

Try to answer each question as thoroughly as you can. To earn full credit you need to demonstrate clear understanding and make explicit connections between the video and what we are learning in the course this week. Please see the associated rubric for specific grading criteria.

Exceeding Credit: Student answers all the questions to one video and connects John Green’s presentation to the lessons of the week. A student must only answer questions for one video. The student demonstrates through critical written analysis their ability to identify and evaluate important concepts and place them in the context of the course. Also, student utilizes citations   (10 points)
Meeting Credit: Student answers all the questions to one video and connects John Green’s presentation to the lessons of the week. A student must only answer questions for one video. (8 points)
Approaching Credit: Student answers all the questions to one video. Over 30% originality match (7 points)
Completion Credit: Student answers all the questions to one video. 50% match (5 points)

John Green
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Here is another opportunity to watch a John Green video and earn some extra credit!

As was the case last time, you only need to watch and answer the questions for ONE video. To earn your points, you will need to answer all the questions for your chosen video in at least three complete sentences. 

This assignment will be graded on the following scale.Exceeding Credit: Student answers all the questions to one video and connects John Green’s presentation to the lessons of the week. A student must only answer questions for one video. The student demonstrates through critical written analysis their ability to identify and evaluate important concepts and place them in the context of the course. Also, student utilizes citations   (10 points)
Meeting Credit: Student answers all the questions to one video and connects John Green’s presentation to the lessons of the week. A student must only answer questions for one video. (8 points)
Approaching Credit: Student answers all the questions to one video. Over 30% originality match (7 points)
Completion Credit: Student answers all the questions to one video. 50% match (5 points)

World History 200 Series: Meta History

  • Why is the idea of a “fact to opinion ” continuum not make sense?
  • What does success in history mean? How does western  bias influence this?
  • Why is historical training important to framing historical questions?
  • Why are institutions important to “success”? What does Morris describe as success?
  • Why is the West seen as superior? Why must you be aware of bias in historical writing? 

World History 100 Series: Micro History

  • How is the development of agriculture positive and how is it negative?
  • How is herding better and worse than agriculture as an alternative?
  • How do historians explain the entrance of agriculture in human daily life?
  • Name each independently developed agriculture zone and their main food staple.
  • What do the crops of each independent region have in commmon and what makes them appealing to agriculturists?
  • Why did the voyages of Zheng He end?
  • Why is Columbus’ voyage seen both as a great success and a great failure?
  • Why did Vasco de Gama set out and what did he actually accomplish?
  • Why did these mariners originate from Spain, Portugal, and China? What about these places made exploration appealing?
  • Why was the goal of Zheng He so different than de Gama or Columbus and why do these differences exist?
  • What is the traditional view of the Mongols, what is the new emerging view of the Mongols, and how can they coincide?
  • What are the positive and negative results of Mongol conquest and how did they effect subsequent history?
  • Why were the Mongols so successful at conquering and why were they so bad at empire building?
  • How did Genghis Khan come to power and what made him so popular?
  • Why did the Mongol Empire fall apart relatively quickly and what did it eventually degenerate into?

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