Dominican College of Blauvelt Types of Research in Nursing Discussion

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There are two types of research used in nursing research quantitative and qualitative. The big difference between these two is that quantitative research depends on numbers and statistics. For example, a survey to understand how much time nurses spend and work with a patient to achieve the patient’s goal or how much time nurses need to respond to call light. Also, quantitative research usually uses charts, tables, and graphs to clarify the data collection. Furthermore, in this type of research researcher ask close-ended questions. The answers to close-ended questions are usually yes or no, such as in the survey, ask the nurse do you take more than 3 minutes to respond to the call light.

On the other hand, qualitative research depends on facts and analysis. For example, how nurses work as a team with doctors and other staff affects the patient to achieve the goal. This research will use texts or recordings to collect the data. Also, this research is done by open-ended questions like a conversation. Both of these research help in nursing research. When we talk about quantitative analysis, this can benefit because the data collection is quicker than what is in qualitative research. However, we can use qualitative if we want to develop patient outcomes. So, because qualitative use open-ended questions, we can use this method in the patient interviews to get information and make an excellent care plan. That is for qualitative research on the individual patient.
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