ENG1102 TROY The Story of an Hour By Kate Chopin Analysis
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Your Possible Topics .You may choose one of the topics below for your research paper. All reading selections must be taken from the textbook. I am really looking forward to reading some of your findings on these. Your paper should be no fewer than 1100 words. Use at least three credible sources (no internet unless it is an online journal). Your textbook is an additional text. You should have three other sources that provide you with insights on your topic. PLEASE write the question you chose at the top of your first page before you start writing your research paper. If you have other thoughts, please communicate with me before starting to work on your paper. Please remember that this is NOT a REPORT. This is still an analysis of your thinking. You still need to develop a thesis (argument, stance, something you are trying to convince the reader), establish points that will defend or explain what you are saying, and summarize your thoughts and findings. You will not want to just TELL what you found in your research. This paper is still MOSTLY your thoughts. You will just use some of your findings to back up what you have determined on your own. Don’t forget to cite in the paper as well as on the Works Cited page. Please ask if you have ANY questions!
Note that you MUST include direct quotes in this essay.
1. Read the short story “The Things They Carried” (p. 340 or 321) and research the author Tim O’Brien. How did O’Brien interject his own experiences into the story without actually being a character in it? What if the setting of this story were present time in Afghanistan or Iraq? How might the characters, the things they carried, and situations be different? If you don’t think things would be that much different, explain your thoughts. Use examples from the story to explain your thoughts and to compare the settings.
2. Read the short story “The Story of an Hour” (p. 260 or 179) and research to find out Kate Chopin’s background and life experiences. How are these evident or displayed in the piece you read? Researching the lives of women at this time period, what do you think Chopin might have been trying to say to the reader? Use examples from the story to explain your thoughts and ideas.
4. Read Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”(p.40) in the textbook and find another one of his short stories online (http://poestories.com/stories.php (Links to an external site.)).“ Research Poe’s life. Is there any indication in his information that indicates why he might have written stories like this? Compare and contrast the two stories you read (What are some similarities? What are differences?). Research a bit about Poe’s writing in general to determine if these similarities and differences are common to Poes’ stories.
Also list your working works cited list. It should include at least 3 sources, not including our text, and our textbook as well. This list should be crafted according to MLA guidelines. See https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01… for info on MLA.