Generalized Anxiety Disorder Clinical Case Analysis


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  1. Summary of the Clinical Case

The patient satisfies the diagnostic requirements for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) because she struggles to regulate her excessive anxiety and concern,

which results in considerable discomfort and functional impairment. She experiences several somatic issues, such as headaches, neck pain, and trouble sleeping,

frequently linked to anxiety (Rosa-Alcázar et al., 2020). According to the patient’s husband, her excessive anxiety negatively influences her quality of life and is

out of proportion to any actual threat.

  1. Formulation of a Clinical Question.


What is an outpatient psychiatry clinic’s evidence-based course of action for a 24-year-old law student who appears with anxiety?


Ms. JN exhibits symptoms typical of anxiety, such as concern, stress, exhaustion, trouble focusing, headaches, and neck muscular spasms. She claims that her

symptoms have gotten worse over the past year and are now out of her control. Aside from medicine, counseling, and lifestyle modifications, there are several

ways to address anxiety (Blampied et al., 2018). The best course of treatment will probably depend on the patient.

The patient’s primary treatment objective is to lower her anxiety to a tolerable level that does not materially interfere with her everyday life. To manage her

anxiety more beneficially, she will need to learn coping and stress-management techniques. Additionally, if her stress is extreme, she might require medication to

manage her symptoms.

  1. List Of the Patient’s Problems and Prioritization
  2. JN is “worried about everything,” as she says. She is anxious about her heavy academic load and approaching tests. She is worn out and finds it challenging to focus on her responsibilities. Additionally, she expresses frustration with her inability to fall asleep and regular headaches and neck muscle spasms.
  3. Her husband calls her “a worrier,” according to the patient. She will be concerned about me having an accident, losing my work, not having enough money, and a long list of other things.
  4. JN also claims that while she has always experienced some anxiety, she has previously discovered that it serves as motivation. Her symptoms have worsened over the past year and are now out of control.

The main issues for the patient are anxiety and its symptoms, which also include exhaustion, a difficult time concentrating, headaches, and neck muscular

spasms. She also has trouble falling asleep, which could be related to her worry.

  1. Pharmacological Management of Ms. JN Condition.

I would provide fluoxetine or another selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) to Ms. JN. Clinical recommendations for treating generalized anxiety

disorder (GAD) state that SSRIs are the most successful pharmacological treatment for this condition (Baldwin, 2020). SSRIs raise serotonin levels in the brain,

enhancing mood and lessening anxiety.

  1. Non -Pharmacological Management of Ms. JN Condition.

For Ms. JN, several various non-pharmacological therapies could get suggested. Her symptoms indicated that she would benefit from a combination of

cognitive-behavioral therapy and relaxation techniques. The physical signs of worry, such as headaches, muscle tightness, and trouble sleeping, can be lessened

with relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or breathing exercises. The negative thought patterns that cause stress and anxiety can be changed

through cognitive-behavioral therapy (Rosson et al., 2022). This therapy can teach Ms. JN how to handle her workload more effectively and efficiently and help

her create coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety.

  1. Assessment of Ms. JN Treatments, i.e., Both Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological -Appropriateness, Effectiveness, Safety, and Potential for Patient Adherence.

According to the information above, Ms. JN most likely has an anxiety problem. Pharmaceutical and non-pharmacological therapies are frequently used to

treat anxiety disorders. Anti-anxiety drugs like benzodiazepines are one type of pharmaceutical intervention that can assist in lessening anxiety symptoms.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one type of non-pharmacological intervention that may be used to teach people how to control their anxiety (Anderson & Schrift,

2022). In order to choose the most effective course of treatment, it is crucial to go over the advantages and disadvantages of both types of interventions with

Ms. JN.

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