Grossmont College A Vision of Crimes in the Future Discussion


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You’ll watch the video and then write a paper.

Your paper should be 2 pages. That means a FULL two pages, not 1.5 pages.

Answer the following questions:

1. What’s the title and/or topic of the Ted Talk you chose? How long was it?

2. Who was the speaker in the Ted Talk you chose?

3. What is the speakers’ background, or what makes them qualified to talk on their particular topic?

4. What was the main idea or main argument of the talk?

5. Tell me about at least two ideas that you learned from this talk, and explain why those ideas/points are important.

You don’t need a References page, but you do need a Cover page.

Type your paper in Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins. (APA format)…

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