HMD 402 Cal Poly Pomona Professional Malpractice in Patient Care Discussion
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You must do your own work and use Turnitin. I will not accept any paper that has 25% or more
similarity. See Syllabus. I will also not accept papers that fail to properly cite to sources.
Like all papers youll submit, formatting is: 1 margins all around, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font. No headers, extra spaces between paragraphs none of the little tricks that take up space.
There is a 5 full page minimum, If you want a better score, then do more than the minimum required work. I can tell when a student has done the work and when they have waited until the last minute to throw something together.
First, describe in detail what it means for a person to owe another person a duty of care. Then, for each person mentioned in the facts (or anyone you can think of that is not specifically mentioned), tell me if they owed a duty of care to anyone else and why.
First, describe in detail what it means when a person breaches a duty of care. What standard does a court hold a person to? Then, for each person mentioned in the facts (or anyone you can
think of that is not specifically mentioned), tell me if they breached a duty of care to anyone else and why.
If this case was submitted to you as a judge, what questions might you have before you issued a ruling? Who do you think is entitled to damages? Who do you think is liable for damages, if anyone? Are there any facts you need before ruling?