Indiana University Purdue University Submit the R Script Computer Science Task


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Using the dataset “ToyotaCorolla.csv”, complete the following tasks:

  1. Set a working directory and load it in the data file. (Please show the command)
  2. Remove observations (i.e., rows) from 3-200, 500-502, and 1000-1205.
  3. Remove observations if KM>=120,000. How many records did you remove?
  4. Remove variable Met_Color.
  5. Replace any value greater than 200 in HP with 180.
  6. Create a new variable called “Old_Car”. If the Age_08_04>=12, it takes the value of “Old”, otherwise “Not too old”. (Hint: Use ifelse statement)
  7. Generate dummy variables for Fuel_Type. (Hint: Use ifelse statement and Create two new columns, Diesel & Petrol, with binary values)

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