INR 4335 FIU National Security The Rhineland Crisis Research Paper
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Students will write a 15-page policy paper based on their study of a theoretical framework.
First, choose one contemporary national security issue. Assume that you are the Senior Security and Foreign Policy Advisor to the top decision-maker (i.e., King, Prime Minister, President, etc.) of a country that is experiencing the challenge. You will write a paper to advise the leadership on what needs to be done to resolve the crisis. In reality, the paper should be very concise, usually less than three pages. But for this exercise, you need to write a full-paper that demonstrates your idea clearly. The paper should include three parts: (1) summary of the case (i.e., the name of the crisis, names of countries in conflict and their regime types, positions of each state, interest at stake for each side, relative power distribution between the states, alliance dynamics, possession or non-possession of weapons of mass destruction, etc.), (2) theoretical background (review on a particular theoretical perspective that your recommendations would mostly turn to) and (3) policy recommendations (the most likely course of action of the other side, policy options that our side can take, the best policy choice to resolve the crisis).