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Annotated Bibliography

Works cited: a list of sources cited in a paper

Bibliography: a list of all the sources that were looked at, browsed, read, and thought about

Annotated bibliography: a list of all the sources that were looked at, browsed, read, and thought about plus a paragraph evaluating the source.

What is the purpose of an annotated bibliography?

  • to gather and summarize information about a topic you are researching into one document
  • to create a quick reference sheet that will remind you of what your various sources argued and how they are useful to your paper
  • to preserve a record of research about your topic which may be shared with others in your field

Who is the audience?

  • yourself, in that the document will help you in your own writing and research
  • others (including your instructor) who might be interested in reading an overview of the topic you researched. For this reason, clarity, professionalism, and neatness are important in an annotated bibliography

How to create it:

  • Create a summary which includes what you wish to learn and a proposed thesis statement.
  • Make an MLA works cited list of four or more sources you have found on your topic. Then, beneath each citation, write an annotated paragraph:

1. A summary of the theme/purpose of the source

2. An evaluation of the author’s/editor’s/or website’s background or authority

3. A comment on the intended audience

4. A comparison of this source to another source previously cited

5. An explanation of how the source helps define, complicate, or clarify the top

  • Organize your citations alphabetically, by author, using hanging indents. You are encouraged to use, Knightcite, Owl.purdue, Google Docs to put each entry in the appropriate format.
  • To make your bibliography easy to read, BOLD the citation, but leave the annotation paragraph in plain text.


  • Minimum of four sources
  • One of the sources must be a print-based source (magazine, newspaper, or journal)


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English 11

26 September 2019

Annotated Bibliography for Leadership Qualities

Summary: I am interested in learning about the attributes of a great leader, and my proposed thesis statement is “The three most important qualities of great leaders are passion, effective communication, and compassion.”

Bawany, Sattar. “What Makes a Great Leader? (Cover Story).” Leadership Excellence

Essentials, vol. 32, no. 12, Dec. 2015, p. 5. EBSCOhost,,ip,cpid&custid=s6257968&db=f5h&AN=111413005&site=ehost-live&scope=site

This article describes social and emotional intelligence, and how they can make someone a great leader. It also explains how companies are realizing that having leadership factors within their business is crucial to their organizational effectiveness, and they are wanting to hire individuals who are great leaders because they possess the qualities listed in the article. Frequently throughout the article, the author mentions that having social and emotional intelligence plays a big role in whether or not a person is considered a great leader. The author, Professor Sattar Bawany, is the Managing Director and C-Suite Master Executive Coach with Executive Development Associates in Asia Pacific, along with many other executive and chief executive positions in various organizations. He has over 30 years of international business management experience. The intended audience in this cover article is mostly young adults who are wanting to be successful in the business world or who are curious about what qualities companies are looking for in individuals they want to hire. This source helps define what makes a great leader by giving examples of characteristics or qualities one must possess in order to be a great leader. Also, it is a helpful guide as to what companies and businesses are wanting and looking for in leaders today.

Bradberry, Travis. “What Really Makes a Good Leader?” Entrepreneur, 14 Sept. 2015,

This article explains what leadership is, and what it isn’t. It also provides quotes from various people that are active leaders in our world today, and what they have to say about the topic of leadership. Dr. Travis Bradberry, the author of this article, is an award-winning and best-selling author who specializes in the study of emotional intelligence and leadership. He is also the world’s leading provider in emotional intelligence tests and training. Bradberry intended for the audience to most likely be young adults who are stepping up into leadership positions, or those who need more information on what really makes a leader great. This is the best source so far because it is the most interesting, informative, and explanatory.

Fraser, Simon. “What Makes a Good Leader?” Training Journal, 15 May 2014,

This article goes through step-by-step on what qualities one must have to be a great leader. The author, Simon Fraser, explains what personality traits someone needs in order to be a leader. Simon Fraser is a professor at a college university, and specializes in ethics and leadership. Fraser most likely intended for his audience to be teenagers and older. This source is the second best because it has a lot of detail, and it thoroughly explains different aspects of leadership.

Riggio, Ronald E. “The New York Times Company.” The New York Times, The New York


This New York Times newspaper article explains the difference between a good versus an effective leader. The author, Ronald E. Riggio, tells the reader that being a leader does not only have to do with accomplishing things on time and taking charge, but also having a good character within the leader. Ronald E. Riggio is one of the professors of organizational psychology and leadership at Claremont McKenna University. Riggio intended for the audience to be those who do not know the difference between an effective leader and a good leader. Compared to my first source, this source is a little more helpful, as it targets leaders of every age and not just those who want to work in businesses. The article clearly says what makes a leader good and what makes a leader great. It is clear, concise, and right to the point.

TEDtalksDirector. “What It Takes to Be a Great Leader | Roselinde Torres.” YouTube,

YouTube, 19 Feb. 2014,

This youtube video is a TED talk that describes different qualities a person should possess in order to be an exceptional leader in the world today. It provides a lot of information on what makes a great leader. The lady in the video, Roselinde Torres, is a senior leader in BCG’s People and Organizational practice who specializes in leadership. The intended audience is mainly young adults, but it can also pertain to anyone who wants to know how to become a better leader, and how to do it. Compared to my previous sources, this source is the most helpful because it is more thorough and detailed. It gives plenty of examples as to what a great leader looks like, and the different traits and qualities one must have in order to be a great leader in the world today.

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