Keiser University Week 1 Victimology Theories and Applications Questions

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1. Discuss the concept of victim impact statements and the impact that they have on victims, as well as, the defendant.

2. Discuss the health (physical and psychological), medical, economic and criminal justice costs associated with crime. Be sure to cover tangible and intangible costs, as well as costs shouldered by victims, the criminal justice system and third parties. Include in your answer the concept of double victimization and the impact it has on victims.

3. Explain the challenges associated with reporting data to crime databases (such as the UCR, NIBRS, or the NCVS) experienced by victims, witnesses and police. Make sure to include police-related factors that may affect reported crime rates. Explain the challenges associated with the accuracy of victim responses to victimization surveys.

4. Which victimology theory or theories do you believe most accurately describes the way in which individuals experience victimization? Justify your answer by identifying advantages and/or disadvantages of theories used in your argument.

5. Should the concept of victim precipitation have bearing in court as a basis for a reduced charge?


Title: Victimology: Theories and Applications, 3rd edition
Ann Burgess
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett Learning
Date: December 27, 2017

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