LED 6910 CMU Coaching Mentoring and Team Dynamics Discussion & Responses
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Learning Engagement # 2
Learning Engagement # 2
TOPIC: Activities and reflective questions
- What are the barriers to making more progress? What might need to change for this to happen?
Instructor Guidance:
Please make sure to identify an organisation that you know well in terms of its key personnel and activities. Using the dimensions framework described in this chapter, seek to position it within this in terms of its progress (or lack of) towards a coaching/mentoring culture.
To complete your Learning engagement for this week you need to review Chapters 2 and 3 as well as supplemental materials , such as: “5 WAYS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM” (https://rockwoodleadership.org/leadership-development-guide/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6c37lcW1-QIVAg2tBh0nnQYdEAAYAiAAEgJpvvD_BwE) BY ABBY SALOMA AND SHARON PRICEMARCH 13, 2019.
In terms of provide satisfactory answer to this learning engagement please pay attention to
- How far do/does the organisation(s) you work with want to push the development of a coaching/mentoring culture.
- What is the business case for developing this culture.
- To what extent is it useful to think of organisations as having only one distinct culture.
- To what extent should a coaching style be seen as the default style of leading and managing in the organisation.NOTE:
by Sachiko Ueda Number of replies: 1I don’t think it is valid to assume that there is only one culture in an organization. This is because culture is formed from many kinds of aspects. There are as many aspects as there are people who make up the organization, and even within a single person, he/she has many different aspects. However, it is undeniable that “tendencies” in the way of thinking of each person of an organization exist as the “culture” of the organization. As for the organization belonging to hasstrong CHANGE RESISTANCE. It is because our organization tends to see change as a threat instead of an opportunity. As you know, Japanese people are known asconservative.Especially my organizationtends to keep it as it is. No matter how reasonable a new procedure, strategy, or organizational structure is nearly always motivated by the desire to maintainthe status. As the text says, whether the organizational culture wants change or stability is probably the first issue to be considered. Tensions are created by change and its hazards. It influences someone to choose stability over growth. If not a resolution to such conflicts, coaching and mentoring can at least provide the opportunity for open discussions about shared difficulties thanks to their emphasis on individual goal setting, active listening, accountability, and an overall client-led focus. This strategy makes room for the development of fruitful solutions. Coaching and mentoring help us go forward by placing a strong focus on listening, being interested, and enabling people to take responsibility for their decisions. Although there will definitely still be conflicts, a coaching and mentoring approach promotes introspection, enhanced communication, and personal empowerment. “Coaching and mentoring can help any individual within the organization, at any level, to ratify the challenges they face, how their goals may be attained, and how they may effectively use the myriad other tools and resources that are available to them,” Guccione and Hutchinson write in their book on academic development (2021, p.21). Although this article suggests that coaching is starting to find some popularity in the education industry, coaching still has a lot of room forour organization. Coaching and mentoring are intricate processes, and as such, they are changeable to the each situation. They may either assist in assisting individuals through these issues or exacerbate them. The organization which seek a change in culture should control how they can contribute to that transformation. If Coaching and mentoring design critical way , it may help the organization improve. Reference: Garvey, Bob & Stokes, Paul, Coaching and Mentoring: Theory and Practice 4th ed, Sage Publication 2022 Introducing a Coaching Culture within an Academic Faculty, George Callaghan, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2022, Vol. 20(1), pp.83-92 https://radar.brookes.ac.uk/radar/file/0b9c41fe-c2… Guccione, K. and Hutchinson, S. (2021). Coaching and Mentoring for Academic Development, Emerald Publishing, Bingley
by MaryI expect coaching and mentoring to help not only an individual’s progress but also, through each mentee improve self/herself, enablingthe organization to better. As I thought about when I worked on Engagement 3, I think it is very important to consider how to plan coaching and mentoring to maximize the effectiveness of coaching and mentoring. I have no formal coaching or mentoring experience and my organization does not have a coaching or mentoring culture, so I would like to research better coaching and mentoring methods. I am also planning to make the subject of my final paper “On effective coaching and mentoring method planning”. In many businesses, coaching and mentoring has become valued tool. More and more often, managers are expected to coach their direct reports and mentoring young peers. It is expected that coaching and mentoring can be utilized to improve weaknesses and as a follow-up to a formal performance review where there has been poor performance. Coaching and mentoring may be utilized to identify developmental possibilities and construct a learning plan with ordinary performance. In terms of retention, coaching and mentoring may be beneficial for top achievers.(Vareio) I believe that learning how to coach and mentor will help me lead my sons to their better lives, so it is really meaningful to learn this area is.Reference:Why Coaching Is A Necessary Leadership Style InA Matrix Organization Valerio Pascotto, May 23, 2019, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/…