Miami Dade College Nursing Discussion Replies


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Instructions: please reply to the two posts separately with 150 words each and 1 scholarly source each.

Post 1:

I have come across a few different qualitative studies both in nursing school and at FIU for my previous bachelors. They focused on interviews and observation of the participants firsthand by the researchers. Using their gathered data they could come to specific conclusions about the way people think and respond in society. The qualitative study listed below takes a look into the lives of cancer patients who are receiving treatment. It aims to explore what patients feel during the actual course of treatment and how their lives have changed as a result. The study used 30 different participants which had all started their treatments at least six months prior. The types of cancers varied as well as the age groups of the participants (Sibeoni, 2018).

This study was extremely important to conduct as it shows a more personal, in-depth look into how people fighting cancer with vigorous treatments truly feel. It shines light onto their battle and the many ways they fight to stay positive in the face of such a serious disease. This study concluded that patient involvement in their own treatment plan is essential for bettering their chances against the disease as well as easing their mind (Sibeoni, 2018). Those who were more involved in their treatments had a better understanding of how their lives might change and therefore could be more prepared. Their study conducted personal interviews and allowed the participants to be vulnerable and share their own ideas of how chemo works whether they were right or not.

Post 2:

The negative side-effects associated with cancer treatment have consistently been found to have substantial long-term effects on the cancer patient, including post-traumatic symptoms or full manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This can be exhibited through anxiety, nightmares, dysregulated moods, or avoidance, for example. What has typically been found is a concern for the prolonging of life in the cancer patient, despite the quality of daily living. Sibeoni et al. (2018) performed this study to highlight the quality of living (QoL) for cancer patients, with a focus on day-to-day activities, as opposed to typical emphasis on length of life (Sibeoni et al., 2018).

This qualitative study found in BMC Cancer gathered 30 participants that had a median time of four years since their cancer diagnosis. Further, participants had to have started treatment within at least six months prior to the semi-structured interviews that took place. Results of the interviews found both positive and negative common themes amongst the patients. The side-effects of cancer treatments were a consistent negative theme amongst those interviewed, especially regarding the nausea, vomiting, and lack of energy. However, the positive themes amongst the patients included subjective perceptions of treatment efficacy, positive effects on personal relationships and physician-patient relationships, and personal interests that provide enjoyment. Some examples of these interests included objects, relationships, or hobbies (Sibeoni et al., 2018).

Sibeoni et al. (2018) mentions previous studies surrounding the QoL in cancer patients using a quantitative approach to assess these patients, by inquiring on physical functioning, somatic or visceral pains, health perception, ability to function socially, or mental health. This study focuses on QoL being associated with individual lives, personal interests, and direct personal perspective on what constitutes QoL. This measure is something that is subjective to each individual and allows for a deeper understanding of QoL on a day-to-day basis. This study differs from others by highlighting the key differences between what is considered quality of life, as opposed to quantity of life for those directly impacted by cancer and its treatments (Sibeoni et al., 2018).

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