Most important events in the history of Science timeline
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Create a timeline with some of the most important events in the history of Science during modern times.
Timelines usually consist of major or important events that occurred during a specific period of time. So, for your timeline:
- The period of time compressed between late 19th century and present day.
- Pick 10 important events in Science that have occurred in this period of time. Your timeline can as general as you want or it can have a theme, like: Women in Science in the 20th Century, or Advances in Biology in the 20the century, etc…
- For each of the events add: Date, Event, short description, names (if appropriate), photo that represents the event.
Your assignment will be graded on the following items:
- Title
- Your Name
- Timeline with
- 10 Dates of events in chronological order.
- A brief description of each event.
- A picture of each event.
- As short project summary (1 paragraph) that describes the timeline and answers these questions:
- Why you picked those events?
- What is the correlation between the events? for example: all advance in medicine, or contribution of women scientist, etc…
- How those events affect the development and progress of science?
The timeline can be either vertical or horizontal.
To create a timeline in word follow these instructions: (Links to an external site.)
Or in powerpoint: (Links to an external site.)