Oakland Community College Multivalued Attribute Understanding Diagrams Discussion
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Please review the video, then write a reply to each question below.
Note: You will need to substantiate your answers by pointing to external sources where applicable. If in doubt, dont wait until the last minute but email or contact your instructor. If you present something, you need to provide a logical thought process to it tying together your thoughts, the facts and the materials covered. The paragraph range is specified for each question below (4 sentences per paragraph).
Video Title: EER Diagram Example & Solution (6:37)
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Discussion Questions:
1) Give an example of a multi-valued attribute for the example in the video. Explain your answer. (1 to 2 paragraphs in length).
2) Explain the process of the donor donating something (in terms of the EERD). Explain your answer. (1 to 2 paragraphs in length).
3) In the example provided in the video, is a person limited to belonging to only one of the person groups? Explain your answer. (1 to 2 paragraphs in length).