Rasmussen University Psychology Discussion


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1. mezzo week 9-Theories in Group Intervention

Identify two theories used for group interventions, and describe how you would use each theory separately with a group.

Proceed by explaining how some theories can be combined for effective group work. Identify theories that can be used together and provide a group work example.

Use your textbook or outside scholarly sources. Use APA format to cite sources.

2.Response Guidelines

Respond to at least one other learner, identifying a situation where one of his or her identified theories would not work. Respond to felicia “As I continue my journey within the specific population of individuals whom are dually-diagnosed,  Social work treatment is an integral component in the treatment of persons with substance use and mental health disorders (Ezhumalai, et.al. 2018) in doing so, and having had the experience of conducting multiple groups, the interventions used is of the utmost importance in order to maintain an effective group outcome.Two interventions that I would like to identify when conducting groups are the system theory and the learning theory.   Systems theory although basic and used widely, serves as a road map of the basic intervention protocol.  Within the systems theory, groups are in constant interaction with their environment. Groups have an external system and an internal system. The external system represents a group’s way of handling the adaptive problems that result from its relationship with its social and physical environment. The internal system consists of the patterns of activities, interactions, and norms occurring within the group as it attempts to function. (Toseland & Rivas, 2017).  The learning theory emphasis is on clear and specific goal setting, contracting, the influence of the environment on the group and its members, step-by-step treatment planning, measurable treatment outcomes, and evaluation can be traced, at least in part, to the influence of learning theory (Toseland & Rivas, 2017).    These two theories I believe work hand in hand. As we know, clients come in with multiple challenges in their life.  Substance use and mental health only exacerbates the already problems in their life (i.e. Job loss, divorce, trauma, homelessness, etc.).  Utilizing the above named interventions focuses on the person as a whole and not only as in the case of substance use as an immediate cause of other ongoing problems. When implementing a systems theory or learning theory I have to take into consideration of all the external and internal factors that may have contributed to their substance use and to an extent their mental health. Within a group environment both theories will help the clients solve their individual challenges as well as any group challenges that may arise.   Providing resources in a group environment will help clients resolve some of the issues surrounding (in the instance of substance use) an outlet to address these problems. Utilizing these systems helps clients see the commonality of each other as well as problem solving amongst themselves.

Ezhumalai, S., Muralidhar, D., Dhanasekarapandian, R., & Nikketha, B. S. (2018). Group interventions. Indian journal of psychiatry, 60(Suppl 4), S514–S521. https://doi.org/10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_42_18

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Pearson.

3. macro class- week 8-Promoting Change: Where Does It Start?

Identify and explain the four systems that promote change and the four systems that are the focus of change. What is your preferred focus of change, and what systems would you target?

4.Response Guidelines

Respond to the posts of at least two peers. Based on the primary author’s proposed system and focus of change, consider the five approaches to change and provide an example (such as a setting). Discuss how you would pursue change. Be realistic and concise. Use your critical thinking skills to engage in deeper level discussion and support your ideas with credible references and/or resources. respond to student Justin ” There are many systems involved in enacting macro level changes. These systems can be classified as either promoting change or the focus of change. Systems that promote change include initiator, change agent, client, and support. The controlling, host/implementing, target, and actions systems are the focus of change (Netting et al, 2017).The initiator system is made up of the individuals who first brought attention to the problem. Those coordinating the change effort such as social workers make up the change agent system. The client system is anyone who will be a primary or secondary beneficiary of the change. The support system includes anyone else in a community or organization who may be expected to support the change effort (Netting et al, 2017). These systems promote change by bringing awareness to the problem and organizing the individuals who will be involved in the change effort.The individuals with the power and authority to approve and implement change make up the controlling system. The host system is the organization that is given the responsibility to make the change. The implementing system is contained inside the host system and is comprised of the individuals who carry out interventions. The target system includes anything that must be changed for the interventions to be effective. The central decision-making body that is responsible for the completion of the change effort is the action system (Netting et al, 2017). These systems are the focus of change because they implement and are impacted by the effectiveness of interventions.My preferred focus of change is inequities in educational opportunities. The systems I would target for change include schools in low-income areas that do not receive adequate resources or representation as well as legislators, parents, and other interested actors in the community.”

5. respond to student Bryan “According to our weekly readings, the four systems that promote change include the controlling system, the host and implementing system, the action system, and the target system (Netting et al., 2016). In addition, the weekly readings explained the four systems that are the focus of change to include the support system, the client system, the change agent system, and the initiator system (Netting et al., 2016). The controlling system can be understood as an individual, group, or collective who has been delegated the authority to approve, deny, or order the proposed social change (Netting et al., 2016). The host and implementing system is explained as an organization, individual, collective of individuals or employees that are entrusted with the responsibility to enact the change in their daily duties (Netting et al., 2016).The action system can be understood as group of individuals who belong to other systems and are responsible for planning and facilitating the proposed change (Netting et al., 2016).The target system is explained as the policy, practice, individual, or group that must be changed in order for beneficiaries to benefit (Netting et al., 2016). The support system can be understood as a larger collective of individuals who wish to see the proposed change become a success (Netting et al., 2016). The client system consists of direct or indirect beneficiaries who will benefit from the change, however typically do not work towards accomplishing it (Netting et al., 2016). The change agent system consists of an individual or collective of individuals who have been designated as coordinators of the proposed change (Netting et al., 2016). Lastly, the initiator system is comprised of an individual or collective of individuals who have identified the need for change and drawn attention to it (Netting et al., 2016). My preferred focus of change is performing social work in child welfare. In this context, I usually am performing micro level social work, so my preferred system would be the client system. The families I work with are typically disadvantaged and do not know how to advocate for or help themselves. In this context I suppose I am the agent of change, as I work on behalf of the client for their benefit. To accomplish this by targeting the host and implementing system. This can be seen as enrolling the family in county sponsored services or connection to community services.” 

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