SOC 1A FCC Deviance Social Norms & Rules Evoking Negative Reactions Discussion
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Upload your Word Document essay submission (accepted files are: doc, docx, PDF) here before the deadline.
Instructions, formatting examples, and tips for the essay can be found both on the Modules page and there is also a PDF copy of the instructions in the Files link. GO OVER THAT DOCUMENT!
Essay Assignment 2 Guidelines and Tips for success:
- DOUBLE SPACE your essay
- It is a 2-page essay–Don’t go OVER or UNDER the page limit–2 pages!
- Use the sample found under the Files link for your own essay, and use its paragraph by paragraph approach to organizing your essay, what concepts you need to cover, and also look at where page numbers are placed on the document
- Use the header format on the first page of the sample mentioned above for your own essaythere is no header on the second page
The first paragraph is your introduction. It should be at least five sentences long. This paragraph will introduce the reader to your chosen topic. This is also where you will name and define what deviance is and how Durkheim understood the role of deviance in structural functionalism. It is important to do this because it establishes the focus of your paper. Be sure to check your spelling and watch sentence structure too. I dont expect your papers to be perfect but I do expect you to proofread them.
The second and third paragraphs is where the body of your papers begins and continues until you write your conclusion paragraph. The body of your paper is where you will discuss, explain, and analyze your topic. While doing this, you will explain deviance from the conflict theory perspective and the strain theory perspective.
Be sure to include how social conflict is tied to the conflict theory perspective and how stress is related to the strain theory perspective. Be sure to define and discuss at least three other concepts related to deviance, and include examples of each. You may want to focus on labeling theory or stigma, control and punishment, or choose other concepts/theories from the book that most interest you.
The last paragraph is your conclusion. This is where you wrap up your analysis and state your conclusions. This paragraph should also be at least five sentences long. Be sure to proofread your paper for spelling errors and sentence structure mistakes. A well-written paper goes a long way. If you dont understand something or need help dont hesitate to ask. If you get stuck over the weekend it is okay to email me your questions or ideas.
**BOOK CH 6 (Kerry Ferris – The Real World) will also be attached