SOC 310 Northampton Community College Wk 2 World History Since 1500 Reflection
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Political Transformation Discussion Board Post! In what way is the legacy of the early modern empires still visible in the world today? Are these positive, negative, or a mix? Why?
Respond to 2 other students. Read Chapter 13 and week 2 reading reaction. Please follow the information on D2L take the self test.
check the Syllabus below
World History Since 1500Fall 2022History 113 (section 02) (97831) (3 Credits)Distance Ed-asynchronousInstructor: John ZugarekOffice: Stroud 409EOffice Hours: M 10:00-12:00 (Zoom)Email: [removed] Materials & Texts:Strayer, Robert W., Ways of the World with Sources: A Brief Global History, Sources,Combined. 5th edition. McMillian, 2022. (ISBN 13: 9781319244439)Objective:This course covers the history of the world from 1500 to the present, a period of increasingglobal contact, interaction, and conflict. It emphasizes themes associated with the major changesof the period: globalization, imperialism, industrialization, and revolution.Course Goals:This course provides students the opportunity to:1. Improve understanding of the major historical concepts, ideas, events, and people fromthe sixteenth century to today that have influenced the modern world2. Understand the influence of the past on contemporary concepts, ideas, events, people, andproblems3. Become intelligent consumers and evaluators of information about historical andcontemporary concepts, ideas, events, and problems on a global scale4. Develop a perspective that recognizes the historical, political, economic, and culturalinterdependence of all nationsCourse Outcomes:This course provides students the opportunity to:1. Improve understanding of the major historical concepts, ideas, events, and people fromthe sixteenth century to the present that have influenced the modern world2. Understand the influence of the past on contemporary concepts, ideas, events, people, andproblems3. Become intelligent consumers and evaluators of information about historical andcontemporary concepts, ideas, events, and problems on a global scale4. Develop a perspective that recognizes the historical, political, economic, and culturalinterdependence of all nations5. Understand the important events, developments, and personalities of World history, toinclude political, social, economic, cultural, military, and foreign relations aspects6. Understand and apply the major interpretive/methodological perspectives ofhistoriography to course content including the narrative and analytic formats of historicalreconstruction7. Learn World history content and develop skills in analysis and synthesis, concept andinterpretation, change over time and cause-and-effect relationships in the nationsdevelopment8. Acquire knowledge about the experience of various racial, ethnic, and gender groupsincluding their experiences with prejudice and empowerment9. Think and write about the central features of history as a discipline and understand howhistorians apply research.Cheating and Plagiarism:WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!! Plagiarism is any attempt by a student to pass anotherpersons ideas or writing off as their own; this is regardless of the intention. For moreexplanations see the Academic Misconduct section of the Student Handbook (p.28). Any studentcaught cheating and/or plagiarizing will receive a grade of F for the course.Attendance and Late Work:This class has no set meeting times; as such, you must complete your work in a timely fashion asan indication of your continued effort. Therefore, I ask you post in the intro discussion boardduring the first week showing you are active and understand the expectations. Each week yourwork is due Sunday by Midnight. You can always submit work early. You can submit workup to 24 hours late for partial credit. After that time, you will not get any credit for theassignment. All work must be submitted through the appropriate link…no email submission willbe accepted. If you have any tech issues, contact the helpdesk for assistance. There are noextensions given for any reason. If you wait until the last minute and have an issue that was yourchoice to procrastinate, and no exceptions or extensions will be made for any reason…DO NOTWAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO COMPLETE ASSIGNEMTNS. If you have concerns,email me.Course Work:Each week you will see various documents and videos including recorded lectures that will beposted. These along with the weekly assignments and other activities/documents will be postedin that weeks folder. These folders will become available on a week-by-week basis. You willbe required and tracked to make sure that you are completing all the required work.Exams:There will be two exams and a comprehensive final exam, which must be completed no laterthan midnight on December 16, 2022(NO EXCEPTIONS on the final). There are no makeupexams (except in instances of extreme extenuating circumstances)! Exams will include allmaterial mentioned under course schedule. Exam format will include multiple choice, andessays and the final will be multiple choice only. There will be a 75-minute (120 minute for thefinal) time limit to avoid cheating. All exam due dates are the end of that unit with the exceptionof the Final, which is listed on the syllabus2Discussion Boards: Each student is required to participate in weekly discussion boards. Theseboards will include a prompt that will kick of a debate about a key issue relevant to that weekstopics. You are required to post an original answer as either a 250-word minimum writtenresponse or a 3-4-minute video. After you post you then will need to respond to 2 other studentspost, either through text (125 word minimum) or video (2-3 minutes) to receive full credit. Eachdiscussion board is worth up to 10 points.Discuss Board Grading:Excellent 100% Good 90% Competent 80% NeedsImprovement70%Poor 60%Substance45%Content iscomprehensive,complete andaccurate.Discussion issubstantive andgoes aboveand beyond indiscussing thematerial.Content iscomplete andaccurate.Discussionoffers somesubstance.Content offers ageneral descriptionof the material.Discussion is mostlyaccurate.Content islargelyinaccurateand/orincomplete.Content isinaccurateand/orincomplete.Analysis45%Information isclearly statedwith abundantcontext. As aresult, thereader has astrong sense ofthe purposeand meaning ofthe material inboth the shortand long term.Information isclearly statedwith somecontext. As aresult, thereader has ageneralsense of thepurpose andmeaning ofthe material.Information is offeredwith some generalcontext. A basicsense of thematerial’ssignificance may beinferred from thedescription.Minimalcontext orassessmentof significanceis offered.No context orassessmentof significanceis offered.Effort10%The studenthas goneabove andbeyond incompleting thematerial,demonstratingan eagernessto use theexercise topromotebroaderlearning.The studenthasdemonstratedeffort incompletingtheassignment.The student hasdemonstrated someeffort in completingthe assignment.Little effortwasdemonstrated.No effort wasdemonstrated.Quizzes:There will be six quizzes worth twenty points each during the course of the semester. There areno make-up quizzes given. However, since there is a possibility of 120 points, the quizzes astudent may miss a quiz without any consequence and the sixth quiz taken may also beconsidered extra credit. Each quiz will be ten multiple choice questions worth two points each(15-minute time limit) and the material covered will be listed on D2L. There will be a time limit3to avoid cheating. All quizzes must be complete by the due of that unit. Additionally, studentswill have the option to take non-graded self-tests weekly to prepare for the tests and quizzesReading Reactions:Each student is required to do any 10 reading reactions over the course of the semester. These 2-3-page papers (double-spaced, 1 margins, etc.) that will, in your own word, summarize the mainideas of each chapter and required primary documents readings (if any) as well. They could alsobe considering as a personal study guide. Each reaction is worth 10 point, and a student may duethe extra 2 for extra credit, which will be added on to the total of the ten mandatory summaries.The reactions that you compete are up to you and must be completed by the due of that unit, andthere is no going back and doing past due reactions. All reactions must be typed and written inparagraph/sentence format…no outlines or bulleted lists.Book Review:Each Student will be required to do a 3-to-4-page scholarly book review Students can pick abook from scholarly (written be historians) works mention in the textbook or any other scholarlyhistory book that discusses any issue(s) in World History from 1500 to 2000. Furthermore, notwo students are allowed to do the same book so all books must have the professors approval. Ifa student changes books without the professors approval or picks a book without consulting theprofessor, the grade will automatically be an F for the assignment. The paper should have acover page, be double spaced, one-inch margins all around, page numbers, and be properly cited.In the paper, please discuss the thesis of the work and key points made throughout the work thathelp develop the main thesis. This paper is meant to be a critical examination of a scholarlywork, not a synopsis of the work. The paper will be graded on the critique plus the quality of thewriting. Papers are expected to be grammatically correct, following the rules for a formalacademic paper (no contractions, no first person, proper punctuation, proper spelling, no slang,proper capitalization, etc.). The paper is due by the end of the day on December 4 and latepapers will receive a 10-point deduction per day.Additionally, the paper should adhere to the following guidelines:A) In the first paragraph, students should state the books subject and the authors thesis.The thesis is the main idea that the author is trying to convey to the readerB) After students have stated the thesis in a clear succinct opening paragraph, they shouldexplain how the author goes about trying to prove this thesis in the next 3-4 pages.Students should discuss several of the books main topics, using specific examples fromthe book to support their case.C) In the final paragraph, students should give an overall evaluation of the book assessingboth positive and negative aspects of the books.D) Students papers should be grammatically correct, follow the rules for writing a formalpaper, and avoid the use of first person (I, me, my, we, etc.)Accommodations:If you require any special accommodations for class or exams, the university has resourcesavailable. The Office of Accessible Services Individualized for Students (Oasis) can be reachedat (570) 422-3954 or [removed] or you can visit the office in the Sycamore Suites, LowerLevel. OASIS provides services for students with documented disabilities, and/or medical4conditions on a case-by-case basis, coordinates academic and housing accommodations, andconnects students with appropriate resources both on and off campus. In accordance with theAmericans with Disability Act (1990) faculty is to provide reasonable accommodations in atimely and confidential manner without altering the fundamental nature of the course.Accommodation requests may be denied if student does not have a letter of accommodation fromOASIS verifying a disability and need.Title IX:Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination, harassment and violence on the basis ofsex (including gender identity) in any federally funded education program or activity.East Stroudsburg University is committed to complying with Title IX by maintaining a safe andhealthy educational and work environment in which no member of the university community is,on the basis of sex, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected todiscrimination in any university program or activity.The University will take action to address acts of sex-based discrimination, harassment andviolence by educating the members of its community, identifying clear reporting requirements,investigating all alleged violations of policy, and as appropriate, disciplining members of thecommunity found in violation.Nondiscrimination:East Stroudsburg University seeks to provide an academic and work environment that is freefrom discrimination and harassment against any person because of race, color, national origin,religion, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or veterans status in accordancewith applicableGrading: Grading Scale:Grade GP PointsExam 1 15% A (4.0) 100-93Exam 2 15% A- (3.7) 92-90Final 20% B+ (3.3) 89-87Book Review 20% B (3.0) 85-83Quizzes 10% B- (2.7) 82-80Reading Reactions 10% C+ (2.3) 79-77Forum Discussions 10% C (2.0) 75-73C- (1.7)72-70 D (1.0)69-60 F (0.0)59-005Course ScheduleWeek TOPIC ASSIGNMENTAug. 29-Sept 4 The World of the 15th Century Chapter 12September 5-11 Political Transformations Chapter 13Book Choice DueSeptember 12-18 Economic Transformations Chapter 14Quiz 1September 19-25 Cultural Transformations Chapter 15Sept 26- Oct 2. Atlantic Revolutions Chapter 16Quiz 2October 3-9 Industrial Revolution Chapter 17October 10-16 Workshop of the World Exam 1October 17-23 The New Colonization Chapter 18October 24-30 Empires in Collusion Chapter 19Quiz 3Oct. 31- Nov 6 War and Revolution Chapter 20Quiz 4November 7-13 The World at War Exam 2November 14-20 A Changing World Chapters 21Nov. 21-Dec.4 Tech Revolution Chapters 22Quiz 5Book Review DueDecember 5-11 Global Processes Chapter 23Quiz 6December 12-16 Final Exam Final ExamPlease note: This syllabus is only a plan and is subject to change. All changes will be explained67