SPD200 Grand Canyon University Disability Matrix Worksheet
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As part of the IEP team, general education and special educationteachers must possess an understanding of the eligibility categoriesused to determine if a student is eligible to receive specialeducation services. These categories are broad and many types ofdiagnoses fall under each category. For example, attention deficitdisorder is one common disability that falls under the category ofOther Health Impaired, and Down syndrome falls under IntellectualDisability. Dyslexia is also a diagnosis that usually falls under thecategory of Specific Learning Disability in the area of Reading andhas specific, unique characteristics. General education and specialeducation teachers must collaborate and communicate in a professionaland articulate manner with school psychologists, related serviceproviders, administrators, colleagues, and families when determiningeligibility and providing a rationale to support the need for deliveryof services.
Use the provided “DisabilityMatrix Template” to complete this assignment. Follow the example“Autism” row in the template.
Identify and research the disabilitycategories under IDEA.
Support your findings with anadditional three scholarly resources.