The Magic Mushrooms that Grow in USA Europe and Mexico Question

Question Description

I’m working on a biology case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

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I need reliable sources and case studies for the following research questions:

1. How Psychedelic fungi can be used successfully to treat certain mental conditions- for example, I need a case study that shows the way it affects the brain and which parts of the brain? (please summarize case study)

2. Why do Psychedelic Fungi evolve in specific habitats? Which habitats do we find them in and why? How many species of mushrooms are there, and what % are psychedelic? Reliable evidence needed

3. How do Psychedelics affect your brain? (details of chemicals/parts in brain affected)

4. Do insects develop resistance to Psychedelic fungi? Is there a case study of animals getting sick from these fungi?

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