Thomas Edison State College Professional Dilemma Discussion


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Below is a post from my classmate that I will have to respond to.

Mary-Part 1

Professional Dilemma

About six years ago, I was in our Child Nutrition Accounting section. Due to the huge amount of work that the area had, I asked my director to allow me to hire an Account Clerk to help with the load. Knowing that this job would entail a lot of different duties, I created an instructional binder with step-by-step instructions for each task. I went through the hiring process and hired one of the two best ones from a list of 65 applicants.

When the employee started, they were friendly, hard-working, and always on time to work. We have a six-month probationary period that all employees must go through to learn the process. At the five-month mark, we had their appraisal and went through the duties, and I highlighted the things that were addressed throughout the months but were not corrected. I suggested to my director that we extend the probationary period to see if the employee could learn the duties better. My co-worker with whom I shared supervisory responsibilities decided that she wanted the employee off probation. I asked why and was told she had allowed the employee to rent her home and wanted to make sure they had the funds to pay rent. I explained to the other supervisor that it was not good to pull an employee off probation when they did not understand the duties. I extended the employee’s probation, but the other supervisor had the director pull the employee off probation and make them permanent.

Needless to say, after they took them off of probation, the employee started taking every Friday off to the point I had to put them on LWOP. The employee started complaining about not being trained to do a certain task. Then would say individuals were going into their desk taking items. Would blow up at other employees that would show them their errors in the system that needed correcting. They started saying that no one talks to them about their personal life. Yes, they wanted everyone to speak with them about their personal life. Then they began to miss work because they felt like they had carbon dioxide poisoning from the area. The employees are in cubicles, an open area.

After several months of this behavior, I started a paper trail of everything we would do to address the issues. Then the employee began to act out only when I was in meetings or at conferences. They would ignore and loud talk the director and personnel director.

When I got back, my boss told me to write the employee up for the behaviors. I told my boss that I could not write the employee up if I were not present when the situation happened. The persons involved would have to document the incident and have them sign. My boss did not like my answer, but I stated that I could not write up the employee according to state personnel guidelines.

The situation started to spiral because my boss did not maintain the proper documentation on the issues. My boss told me to start writing down all of the incidents reported to me by my boss and start progressive discipline on the employee. Once the employee started not reporting to work, I had to send out papers that stated that they would be terminated if they did not return to work by a certain time. The employee turned in a resignation letter the morning of the deadline and filed a lawsuit against the department.

They did not win their lawsuit, but the other supervisor was asked to resign after the incident. The department felt the supervisor could have resolved the situation before it received a lawsuit if the supervisor had not allowed the personal business to affect the department‘s process. Rothaermel (2021), states “When facing a dilemma, a manager can ask whether the intended course of action falls within the acceptable norms of professional behavior as outlined in the organization’s code of conduct and defined by the professional at large” p. 448. How would you handle this situation?

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