Universidad Antonio Nariño Juvenile Offender Alternatives Essay


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Each assignment must include: week number, student name, and question numbers. Please answer two of the following questions below. Each question response should be between 1 and 2 pages double-spaced with 12 point font. Assignments must be completed in a Word document and uploaded for submission. No credit will be given for incorrect answers. There will be no credit for assignments turned in after the deadline of each week.

Answer two of the Following Questions:

  1. Research an alternative forum for dealing with juvenile offenders available in your area (San Diego). What are the advantages and disadvantages of this alternative forum?
  2. Select one of the US Supreme Court cases discussed in Chapter 9. Review the original case. What are the facts behind that case? What was the holding? Do you agree with the case?
  3. Research some of the possible community service opportunities available in your community (San Diego) for youth offenders. If your child were subject to a requirement of community service, which would you prefer? Explain your reasoning.

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