University of Central Florida Education And Discipline discussion


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Learning objectives:

To understand the disciplinary perspectives of your chosen areas of study.

To understand the types of real-world topics and issues you will be learning to address.

To explore the integrative potential of your areas of study.

To construct an an online presence that presents a holistic picture of your education.

What to Do

Step 1: Utilizing your textbook (Chapter 5 in particular) and your experience in coursework so far, carefully describe each of your areas of study. What types of questions does each area address? What is the perspective of each area? What assumptions about knowledge (epistemology) does each area espouse? Make explicit references to the text, and cite with page numbers. (3-5 paragraphs, well-developed and engaged. You can actually write as much as you like.) You must use proper academic citations.

Step 2: What types of issues/topics are of most interest to you, and what are you learning from your areas of study that might be helpful in addressing these topics/issues? (Choose at least two issues/topics.) What courses have you already taken that will help you address these issues/topics, and what courses will you need to take? How does being an interdisciplinarian impact your ability to address these issues/topics? (4-6 paragraphs, well-developed and engaged. You can actually write as much as you like.)

Step 3: Explain how each of the issues you’ve identified are complex. How would you as an interdisciplinarian ‘see’ these issues? (Refer to text). (3-5 paragraphs)

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