University of Denver Difference Between Liberal Feminism and Radical Feminism Essay


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Compose an essay, or submit one prepared in advance, on any ONE of the following three questions. Answer every part of the question.

Please Note – Essays will be graded as follows: Up to 12 points for accuracy and completeness of content (including answering all parts of the question), up to 5 points for soundness of reasoning and helpfulness of examples in making points/arguments, and up to 3 points for clarity of expression/mechanics.

Extra Credit of up to 5 points (total) will be given for a response to either of the remaining questions. Please supply only one additional response for extra credit.

Be sure to indicate which question is the main one and which is for extra credit; if not indicated, the first will be graded as the main essay and the second will be graded for extra credit.


1) Utilizing the readings by Anne Collins Smith and Simone de Beauvoir, describe the difference between liberal feminism and radical feminism. In which category would you place de Beauvoir? Explain your answer.


2) Throughout the course, you have seen these contrasting formulas presented:

A – r – B

a – R – b

Explain how these have been used to identify different understandings of relationality, and give examples from Buber, Ricoeur, or other readings to illustrate that difference.


3) Choose one of the following course readings from Harry Potter and Philosophy:

Amy Kind, “A Pensieve for Your Thoughts? Harry Potter and the Magic of Memory”

Scott Sehon, “The Soul in Harry Potter”

Gregory Bassham, “Choices vs. Abilities: Dumbledore on Self-Understanding”

Describe briefly the topic it treated and at least two of the main points it was making. Then explain how the use of Buber’s relational philosophy might help to deepen understanding of the topic and points treated.


Part II Extra Credit

For up to 5 total extra credit points, respond to either of the other questions.

Be sure to indicate which question is the main one and which is for extra credit; if not indicated, the first will be graded as the main essay and the second will be graded for extra credit.

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