Washington State University Psychology of Women Quarterly Discussion
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Missed Attendance Make-Up Assignment Instructions
In order to provide flexibility during these strange times, I am offering an assignment that will allow you
to make up missed attendance points in my classes (attendance or iClicker points). To earn the points,
you simply need to listen to a podcast on the topic of the class (see below) and submit a brief summary.
One podcast summary = points for one day of attendance. Please choose a podcast from the links
provided below. In your summary, identify the name and episode of the podcast. Provide a link to the
episode, if possible. The episode should be at least 40 minutes long. Then, write a brief summary of the
podcast (300-500 words). Your summary should be thoughtful and detailed. Make sure you write about
the speaker(s) main ideas in the podcast. You can also include some discussion of your own reaction to
the message of the podcast. Here are some other questions to help you write a reaction:
What new information did you learn?
Did anything surprise or shock you?
What did you find particularly interesting?
How does the episode relate to your own life or experiences?
What questions are you left with after listening to this episode?
Once you have completed the write up, please turn it in on Canvas. Assignments must be submitted by
the last day of class, Friday, April 29. (included podcast list in document) Would love 5-6!