CSSM Management Jesus as CEO by Laurie Beth Jones Book Report
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Brief summary of the book, highlights, connection to as many Northouse chapters HBR readings as appropriate (this should form the major part of the report), your critique, and takeaways for your personal/professional lives.
Each of you will be responsible for finding and reading a popular press book on leadership or a leader (e.g., Principle Centered Leadership, Jesus as CEO, Churchill on Leadership). In addition, you will be expected to write a brief report(not exceeding 6 pages typed double-spaced, 12 point font, and 1 inch margins). The report will cover a brief summary of the book, what you found interesting about the book, and how you think it relates to leadership concepts covered in the course. Furthermore, the report will serve as your critique with regards to its usefulness in helping improve leadership practice. The written report is due on or before December 15 by 6 pm. It will be uploaded to Cougar Courses. Please let me know your choice of book by October 27, 2021.
I chose Jesus as CEO by Laurie Beth Jones