Gratham University Business Essay


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Question 1

FaberRoad, a respected courier brand, is fast losing its market share to competitors who do overnight deliveries of packages or offer lower prices. The company’s research department has found that many customers care more about knowing exactly when a package will arrive than getting it the next day. Which strategy would best address the current state of FaberRoad and help it regain its market?


acquiring small transportation companies with cheaper trucks and tempos, rebranding, and using them for deliveries


engaging in expensive advertising with new tag lines and famous celebrities to enhance its brand image in the market


developing radio tags that could be attached to packages to allow for real-time tracking by customers’ PCs and mobile phones


diversifying the different types of packages that can be transported and enabling booking through calls


employing night delivery drivers at a high cost and maintenance charges.

Question 2

The heart and soul of a company’s strategy-making effort is determining how to


become the industry’s low-cost provider.


improve the efficiency of its business model.


maximize profits while simultaneously operating in a socially responsible manner that keeps the company’s prices as low as possible.


maximize profits and shareholder value.


come up with moves and actions that produce a durable competitive edge over rivals.

Question 3

Explain how managers can decide to capture the vision of where an organization should head in a catchy or easily remembered slogan. Cite at least three examples of company slogans that capture a company’s vision.

Question 4

When all sellers pursue essentially identical strategies and have similar market positions


they use the same key success factors to differentiate their products.


they place about the same emphasis on various distribution channels.


they still must possess customer service attributes that differentiate them from one another in the marketplace.


the industry can be said to contain one strategic group.


they remain subject to different driving forces.

Question 5

In analyzing driving forces, the strategist’s role is to


forecast fluctuations in product demand and how buyer needs will most likely change.


evaluate what stage of the life cycle the industry is in and when it is likely to move to the next stage.


identify the driving forces and evaluate their impact on demand for the industry’s product, the intensity of competition, and industry profitability.


determine who is likely to exit the industry and what changes can be expected in the industry’s strategic group map.


predict future marketing innovations and how fast the industry is likely to globalize.

Question 6

When SunPower’s managers engage in the process of developing a list of questions to evaluate their company’s internal situation, which question does not address the task of evaluating SunPower’s resources and competitive position?


Which are SunPower’s least and most profitable geographic market segments?


How well is SunPower’s present strategy working?


What strategic issues and problems merit front-burner managerial attention at SunPower?


How do SunPower’s value chain activities impact How do SunPower’s value chain activities impact its cost structure and customer value proposition? its cost structure and customer value proposition?


Is SunPower competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals?

Question 7

The payoff of doing a thorough SWOT analysis is


assisting strategy makers in crafting a strategy that is well-matched to the company’s resources and capabilities, its market opportunities, and the external threats to its future well-being.


helping strategy makers benchmark the company’s resource strengths against industry key success factors.


revealing whether a company’s market share, measures of profitability, and sales compare favorably or unfavorably vis-à-vis key competitors.


enabling a company to assess its overall competitive position relative to its key rivals.


identifying whether the company’s value chain is cost-effective vis-à-vis the value chains of rivals.

Question 8

Trader Joe’s biggest vulnerability in employing a best-cost provider strategy is


not having a sustainable distinctive competence in cost reduction.


being timid in cutting its prices far enough below high-end differentiators to win away many of their customers.


getting squeezed between the strategies of firms employing low-cost provider strategies and high-end differentiation strategies.


getting trapped in a price war with low-cost leaders.


relying too heavily on outsourcing.

Question 9

Why does a company racing to stake out a strong position in an industry of the future need strategic alliances?

Question 10

Explain how exchange rate fluctuations pose a risk to manufacturing companies that rely upon an export strategy to compete in foreign markets.

Part II

300 words in length,

For this week, please engage in a meaningful discussion topic below:

Imagine that you are the manager of an aspiring multinational social media company. Identify and briefly explain two ways that your company could expand outside your domestic market to improve overall competitiveness.

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